Everyday now more and more scientific evidence is emerging about increased incidence in cancer in patients post #COVID - whether new #cancer diagnosis in very young, to rapid recurrences of cancer in patients who had long remission, to finding virus in tumor tissue together with… https://t.co/KFpjOMbWSX— Dr. Pat Soon-Shiong (@DrPatSoonShiong) March 2, 2025
“Everyday now more and more scientific evidence is emerging about increased incidence in cancer in patients post #COVID - whether new #cancer diagnosis in very young, to rapid recurrences of cancer in patients who had long remission, to finding virus in tumor tissue together with spike protein. It is also clear now that the virus quietly replicates and spike protein persists in people for years #LongCovid. We have to find a way to clear this virus and @ImmunityBio we are working hard on this. The spike protein, antibody based vaccine that did not clear the virus was not the solution- but we need to move forward and recognize that mistakes (by many people in leadership at the prior administration and NIH/ NIAAD/FDA) were made and now pull together to try to fix a catastrophe ….if indeed a persisting replicating Covid virus is carcinogenic.”