WHERE INSIDE YOUR NOSE COVID-19 SLIPS IN ... Stanford Medicine scientists pinpoint COVID-19 virus’s entry and exit ports inside our noses
Good info thread on carrageenan nasal spray Carrageenan is only trace levels of iodine, it doesn’t last through the processing
Ingredient on Viraleze: Astodrimer sodium antiviral nasal spray for reducing respiratory infections is safe and well tolerated in a randomized controlled trial
Not yet available: "A new protein-based antiviral nasal spray developed by researchers at Northwestern University, University of Washington and Washington University at St. Louis is being advanced toward Phase I human clinical trials to treat COVID-19."
"In vivo (human) and in vitro inactivation of SARS-CoV-2 with 0.5% povidone-iodine nasal spray" (If you are a thyroid patient, ask your doctor before trying this one!)
Starting thread on Taffix Nasal spray for potential Covid prevention:
"Low pH Hypromellose (Taffix) nasal powder spray could reduce SARS-CoV-2 infection rate post mass-gathering event at a highly endemic community:"