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Mitigating the risks of post-acute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection (PASC) with intranasal chlorpheniramine: perspectives from the ACCROS studies
Mitigating the risks of post-acute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection (PASC) with intranasal chlorpheniramine: perspectives from the ACCROS studies
This interesting study shows that use of intranasal antihistamine chlorpheniramine may prevent COVID-19 progression to Long COVID when used during acute infection.
Mitigating the risks of post-acute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection (PASC) with intranasal chlorpheniramine: perspectives from the ACCROS studies
Quick 🧵on the current state of Iota-carrageenan nasal sprays: Efficacy, safety, Betadine shortages, buying options for US & Can. markets.
Quick 🧵on the current state of Iota-carrageenan nasal sprays: Efficacy, safety, Betadine shortages, buying options for US & Can. markets.

“Quick 🧵on the current state of Iota-carrageenan nasal sprays: Efficacy, safety, Betadine shortages, buying options for US & Can. markets.

I-C sprays are the only option on the market that have a real-world randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study backing them up. 1/14”

Quick 🧵on the current state of Iota-carrageenan nasal sprays: Efficacy, safety, Betadine shortages, buying options for US & Can. markets.
A Drug-Free Nasal Spray May Shield Against Respiratory Infections
A Drug-Free Nasal Spray May Shield Against Respiratory Infections

“Current nasal sprays offer limited protection against respiratory pathogens because they have a single mechanism of protection. They either neutralize pathogens or block their entry into the cells lining the nose, and they perform both tasks with limited efficacy.

‘We developed a drug-free formulation to block germs in three ways — the spray forms a gel-like matrix that enhances the capture of respiratory droplets, immobilizes the germs blocking their transport into the nasal lining, and effectively neutralizes them, preventing infection,’”

A Drug-Free Nasal Spray May Shield Against Respiratory Infections
A NEW nasal spray that trap & neutralize not only SARS-CoV-2, Influenza, RSV, Adeno & many other viruses & bacteria that are inhaled into the nose, immobilizing them until they die. The substance is 99.9% effective & contains no drugs 1/
A NEW nasal spray that trap & neutralize not only SARS-CoV-2, Influenza, RSV, Adeno & many other viruses & bacteria that are inhaled into the nose, immobilizing them until they die. The substance is 99.9% effective & contains no drugs 1/
“NEW nasal spray that trap & neutralize not only SARS-CoV-2, Influenza, RSV, Adeno & many other viruses & bacteria that are inhaled into the nose, immobilizing them until they die. The substance is >99.9% effective & contains no drugs 1/“
A NEW nasal spray that trap & neutralize not only SARS-CoV-2, Influenza, RSV, Adeno & many other viruses & bacteria that are inhaled into the nose, immobilizing them until they die. The substance is 99.9% effective & contains no drugs 1/
Preclinical studies suggest a drug-free nasal spray could ward off respiratory infections
Preclinical studies suggest a drug-free nasal spray could ward off respiratory infections

“Preclinical studies suggest a drug-free nasal spray could ward off respiratory infections Researchers from the Brigham detail how the spray they created may offer broad-spectrum protection from respiratory infections by COVID-19, influenza, everyday cold viruses, and pneumonia-causing bacteria”

Preclinical studies suggest a drug-free nasal spray could ward off respiratory infections
🔥 New, promising data on Profi Nasal Spray (aka PCANS) as prophylaxis for respiratory viruses:
🔥 New, promising data on Profi Nasal Spray (aka PCANS) as prophylaxis for respiratory viruses:

New, promising data on Profi Nasal Spray (aka PCANS) as prophylaxis for respiratory viruses:

“The researchers developed the formulation and studied its ability to capture respiratory droplets in a 3D-printed replica of a human nose. They showed that when sprayed in the nasal cavity replica, PCANS captured twice as many droplets as mucus alone.

🔥 New, promising data on Profi Nasal Spray (aka PCANS) as prophylaxis for respiratory viruses:
Astodrimer sodium nasal spray forms a barrier to SARS-CoV-2 in vitro and preserves normal mucociliary function in human nasal epithelium
Astodrimer sodium nasal spray forms a barrier to SARS-CoV-2 in vitro and preserves normal mucociliary function in human nasal epithelium
Study in Australia on 14 human donors: Astodrimer sodium nasal spray reduced SARS-CoV-2 infectivity by 96.6% and preserved normal mucociliary function.
Astodrimer sodium nasal spray forms a barrier to SARS-CoV-2 in vitro and preserves normal mucociliary function in human nasal epithelium