Covid and Pregnancy

Covid and Pregnancy

"#preterm birth"
The impact of COVID-19 infections on pregnancy outcomes in women - BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth
The impact of COVID-19 infections on pregnancy outcomes in women - BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth
“Our retrospective review suggests that compared to pregnant women not infected with SARS-CoV-2, those diagnosed with COVID-19 are more likely to experience adverse outcomes such as preterm birth, cesarean delivery, and low birth weight in newborns.”
Our retrospective review suggests that compared to pregnant women not infected with SARS-CoV-2, those diagnosed with COVID-19 are more likely to experience adverse outcomes such as preterm birth, cesarean delivery, and low birth weight in newborns.
The impact of COVID-19 infections on pregnancy outcomes in women - BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth
Janic Feth on Twitter
Janic Feth on Twitter

Anecdote This is what I’ve been saying. We are tracking multiple poor outcomes at work in our referrals to Infant Development for babies born to mothers who had COVID during pregnancy. Our biggest concerns stem from infection after 20 weeks gestation. This includes increased admissions to NICU immediately after birth, but also increased global developmental delays. It absolutely stands to reason that they are also then at increased risk for more severe outcomes when sick.

Janic Feth on Twitter
Covid-19 And Preeclampsia
Covid-19 And Preeclampsia
"INTERCOVID study... pregnant individuals with COVID-19 had almost two-fold higher risk of preeclampsia, as well as other adverse outcomes including maternal mortality, severe infection, and preterm birth compared to pregnant individuals without COVID-19."
Covid-19 And Preeclampsia