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COVID pregnancies may have boosted autism risk, UCLA study shows
COVID pregnancies may have boosted autism risk, UCLA study shows

More on the recent Covid and increased autism study:

"When the Covid-exposed babies reached 28 months, the study found another concerning pattern: 23 of 211 children — almost 11% — screened positive for autism spectrum disorder (...) compared with an expected prevalence of 1-2% at that age (..)"

COVID pregnancies may have boosted autism risk, UCLA study shows
Covid Pregnancies May Have Boosted Autism Risk, Study Shows
Covid Pregnancies May Have Boosted Autism Risk, Study Shows

“Covid Pregnancies May Have Boosted Autism Risk, Study Shows

Around 11.6% of toddlers born to mothers with lab-confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection during pregnancy showed cognitive, motor, or language problems indicative of neurodevelopmental delays…

…When the eldest of the Covid-exposed babies reached 28 months, the study found another concerning pattern: 23 of 211 children — almost 11% — screened positive for autism spectrum disorder.”

Covid Pregnancies May Have Boosted Autism Risk, Study Shows
Cranial ultrasonographic findings in newborns exposed to SARS-CoV-2: a single-centre cross-sectional analysis - Italian Journal of Pediatrics
Cranial ultrasonographic findings in newborns exposed to SARS-CoV-2: a single-centre cross-sectional analysis - Italian Journal of Pediatrics

Study in Catania, Italy, analyzed cranial ultrasounds of 278 newborns, 139 exposed to SARS-CoV-2 during pregnancy.

Exposed newborns had higher rates of minor brain abnormalities (23% vs 16.5%).


in our experience, the incidence of minor intracranial abnormalities was higher in SARS-COV-2-exposed newborns.”

Cranial ultrasonographic findings in newborns exposed to SARS-CoV-2: a single-centre cross-sectional analysis - Italian Journal of Pediatrics
COVID study reveals virus-induced inflammation during pregnancy, redefines vertical transmission
COVID study reveals virus-induced inflammation during pregnancy, redefines vertical transmission

“COVID study reveals virus-induced inflammation during pregnancy, redefines vertical transmission A protein made by SARS-CoV-2 can pass through the placenta and cause serious inflammatory immune responses in the fetus for 66% of pregnancies.”

COVID study reveals virus-induced inflammation during pregnancy, redefines vertical transmission A protein made by SARS-CoV-2 can pass through the placenta and cause serious inflammatory immune responses in the fetus for 66% of pregnancies.
COVID study reveals virus-induced inflammation during pregnancy, redefines vertical transmission
New research is shedding light on what happens when a person becomes sick with COVID-19 during pregnancy.
New research is shedding light on what happens when a person becomes sick with COVID-19 during pregnancy.

“New research is shedding light on what happens when a person becomes sick with COVID-19 during pregnancy. Our study finds a protein from the virus can pass through the placenta and cause serious inflammation.”

New research is shedding light on what happens when a person becomes sick with COVID-19 during pregnancy.
The impact of COVID-19 infections on pregnancy outcomes in women - BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth
The impact of COVID-19 infections on pregnancy outcomes in women - BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth
“Our retrospective review suggests that compared to pregnant women not infected with SARS-CoV-2, those diagnosed with COVID-19 are more likely to experience adverse outcomes such as preterm birth, cesarean delivery, and low birth weight in newborns.”
Our retrospective review suggests that compared to pregnant women not infected with SARS-CoV-2, those diagnosed with COVID-19 are more likely to experience adverse outcomes such as preterm birth, cesarean delivery, and low birth weight in newborns.
The impact of COVID-19 infections on pregnancy outcomes in women - BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth
Pandemic linked to 16% rise in babies born with heart defects
Pandemic linked to 16% rise in babies born with heart defects
Pandemic linked to 16% rise in babies born with heart defects, in a sample from a study led the University of London
The proportion of babies born with a congenital heart abnormality increased by 16 per cent after the first year of the pandemic, according to research at City St George's, University of London and published today in Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology.
Pandemic linked to 16% rise in babies born with heart defects
Maternal COVID-19 infection associated with offspring neurodevelopmental disorders
Maternal COVID-19 infection associated with offspring neurodevelopmental disorders
“Maternal COVID-19 infection changed the levels of CD4 proliferating T cells, leading to the alterations of astrocytes, endothelial cells, and excitatory neurons in offspring, contributing to the increased risk of neurodevelopmental disorders (NDDs) in these individuals."
Maternal COVID-19 infection associated with offspring neurodevelopmental disorders
Schutz vor Corona: Stadt spricht Beschäftigungsverbot für bestimmte Mitarbeiter aus
Schutz vor Corona: Stadt spricht Beschäftigungsverbot für bestimmte Mitarbeiter aus
Precedent: City of Munich issues a“temporary employment ban” for all for pregnant woman in contact with citizens, to protect them and their unborn from SARS-Cov-2. The ban was issued based on the occupational safety recommendations of the cities medical service and is mandatory.
Schutz vor Corona: Stadt spricht Beschäftigungsverbot für bestimmte Mitarbeiter aus
TACT on Twitter
TACT on Twitter

Detailed analysis thread on Twitter Volume 43, Issue 5, September–October 2022

All newborns whose mothers had COVID during pregnancy should be evaluated for hearing loss, according to this study. "The Hearing Loss in newborns caused by maternal SARS-CoV-2 infection is still not fully understood. Therefore, prospective, large-scale clinical studies need to be conducted in the future."

TACT on Twitter
Janic Feth on Twitter
Janic Feth on Twitter

Anecdote This is what I’ve been saying. We are tracking multiple poor outcomes at work in our referrals to Infant Development for babies born to mothers who had COVID during pregnancy. Our biggest concerns stem from infection after 20 weeks gestation. This includes increased admissions to NICU immediately after birth, but also increased global developmental delays. It absolutely stands to reason that they are also then at increased risk for more severe outcomes when sick.

Janic Feth on Twitter