Covid and the Immune System
Detailed discussion on Twitter: I've gone over in detail with an immunologist just some of the immune system/T-cell problems SARS2 creates, which cause severe disease and possibly Long Covid. Vaccines surely help reduce this, perhaps by half, but do not eliminate the risk completely:
"This is the first report of COVID-19 in a human T-cell lymphotropic virus type-1 (HTLV-1) carrier. HTLV-1 infection can cause immune dysfunction even in asymptomatic carriers."
COVID‐19 in a human T‐cell lymphotropic virus type‐1 carrier
Detailed thread on Twitter: T CELL APOPTOSIS VIA COVID-19: Bombshell new study, done by an elite group of doctors such as @fitterhappierAJ , has found that severity of the disease is correlated to T-cell apoptosis, essentially, your T-cells are contributing to your demise. Very detailed stuff here.
Comprehensive thread on Twitter: Listen up—Top 🇬🇧 scientists warns that “In the last week—there’s now evidence that T-cells…get damaged the same way that HIV and other RNA-virus damage T-cell immunity”. ➡️Prof Costello ( @globalhlthtwit ) raises serious concerns on #COVID19 & the 🧠—a🧵:
Interesting. Uchicago finds in a preprint a strong signature of T cell apoptosis in Covid- more than HIV, and a loss of naive T cells
I wrote about t cell apoptosis and a loss of naive T cells in frontiers in 2020 as being problematic