“In 2020 I claimed covid infections and reinfections would cause T cell exhaustion and harm to T cells
Now, to my minimal surprise, the head of the american association of immunology has published the very hypothesis disparaged and called nonsense below; that covid harms the immune systems T cells and exhausts them.
I faced relentless attacks from many individuals. After two years of warning about immune harm and publishing opinions, my claim landed on the desk of Vincent Raccaniello, supposed “worlds virology professor” (a pretentious title) who dismissed it as Twitter nonsense in 2022
Vincent Rajkumar, the editor of blood, claimed it was nonsense.
Then Carlos Del Rio, the medical advisor to entities in the airline industry, said I could not even call myself an immunologist.
The abuse of me and my reputation continued.
Zeynep Tufekci, an editor at the new York times called me names and went as far as calling me crazy, saying “dolphins” whispered my opinions to me on covid’s immune harm.
She quotes, “Exhaustion? Not a thing.”
I faced utter disrespect and maliciousness.
“Someone” threatened a New York Times opinion editorial to the National Institutes of Health, where I was working at the time, claiming that I was a crank eroding trust in science for claiming covid harms the immune system. This is documented in emails.
They also went after Johns Hopkins. I was told I was no longer permitted to publish such opinions after the Dean was intimidated.
I hope they enjoy their reward. The reward is written testimony by their own hand of their wrongness to be displayed for all time on a matter of such great importance.
Their opinion wasn’t worthless, but rather it was the opposite of helpful. It was harmful. All their expertise only made the impact of an incorrect opinion greater.
I sacrificed career prospects and happiness. For some time, every Professor that wanted to downplay immunological harm from covid would virtue signal by attacking me. I say again, they say the T cells will save us, but who will save the t cells?”
This is why there are so many pathogens repeatedly circulating in ways we didn’t see before Covid.
Immune systems can’t fight off the bugs because SarsCov2 damages the immune system.
“COVID-19 leads to considerable long-term changes in the immune system, even in mild cases. The findings could help to better understand the long-term consequences of an infection with SARS-CoV-2.”
“Notably, we also found that activation of RAAS caused substantial damage to the lymph nodes, which hasn't been shown in COVID-19 before," said Beheshti, who is also director of McGowan's Center for Space Biomedicine . "This could explain the long-lasting immune dysregulation seen in survivors of COVID-19 and may contribute to long COVID."
It's also possible that damage to lymph nodes could impair the immune system's ability to detect and destroy cancerous cells, which could potentially help explain the post-pandemic increase in cancer cases.”
“This is an excellent series of graphics from @YaleSPH explaining what we do (and don’t) know about Covid’s effect on the immune system.
Much of this is informed by the work of Dr. Akiko Iwasaki (@VirusesImmunity).”
“Part 1 of 2 LaughterinLight PhD is a biomedical researcher, immunologist
- Answering: Can you explain the difference between how COVID affects your immune system vs how HIV affects it? * Feb 2024”
“Looks like Yale school of public health has finally started to say what I have been repeatedly saying since 2020
1) covid creates longlasting autoimmunity by harming t regs 2) harms adaptive immunity 3) causes immune dysregulation 4) persists etc”