Covid and Vascular System, Endothelium, Blood Clots

Covid and Vascular System, Endothelium, Blood Clots

#Vascular "#plasma alterations"
Alterations in plasma proteome during acute COVID-19 and recovery - Molecular Medicine
Alterations in plasma proteome during acute COVID-19 and recovery - Molecular Medicine
“In-depth targeted proteome investigation evidenced substantial changes in plasma protein composition of patients during and recovering from COVID-19, evidencing a wide range of functional pathways induced by SARS-CoV-2 infection. In addition, we show that a subset of acute phase proteins, clotting cascade regulators and lipoproteins could have clinical value as potential predictors of long-term cardiovascular events in COVID-19 convalescents.”
In-depth targeted proteome investigation evidenced substantial changes in plasma protein composition of patients during and recovering from COVID-19, evidencing a wide range of functional pathways induced by SARS-CoV-2 infection. In addition, we show that a subset of acute phase proteins, clotting cascade regulators and lipoproteins could have clinical value as potential predictors of long-term cardiovascular events in COVID-19 convalescents.
Alterations in plasma proteome during acute COVID-19 and recovery - Molecular Medicine