Latest paper from Dr Robin Kerr & me: #LongCovid is primarily a Spike protein Induced Thrombotic Vasculitis Here we proposed that long covid is primarily a spike protein-induced thrombotic vasculitis, & we use Robin as a supporting case study 🧵 #TeamClots

Covid and Vascular System, Endothelium, Blood Clots
1/A reminder that #LongCovid patients have microclots. We are sending children to school with no mitigations and a 5% chance of a disease that damages you blood vessels.🩸 ALL 80 patients tested in this paper had moderate microclots. Green is microclots.
Excited to share our webinar: “COVID-induced Coagulopathy (CAC): The clot thickens…or not?" presented by Dr Mark Walsh, myself and @dbkell , and moderated by @doctorasadkhan It is available at
Patient Anecdote thread on Twitter: Today I travelled 4000miles to get tested for Microclots to test the theory that this is causing my #longcovid symptoms. Turns out I have them. This testing needs to be made accessible to all those suffering around the world so they can be treated (1)
Detailed analysis thread on Twitter: 1/🧵 Micro Clots & Endothelial Dysfunction in Long COVID
Plus new Epidemiology in @JAMA_current some say proves #LongCOVID is a hoax⁉️
Truth is…endothelial dysfunction plus inflammation can lead to life-altering brain & body dz.
Let’s explore data
“One core question is: Do these microclots actually represent a root cause, or are they in response to something else that's ongoing?” says Michael VanElzakker PhD, co-founder of PolyBio Research Foundation, which is focused on studying viral reservoir:
Tiny, Menacing Microclots May Explain Long COVID’s Symptoms
Anecdote: Big news: I was lucky to get tested for micro blood clots, & I have a lot of them! #LongCovid
Healthy control blood on the left. Mine on the right. The green is all microclots!
These clots are likely blocking oxygen from getting around my body & could explain many symptoms. 1/