Covid and Vascular System, Endothelium, Blood Clots
Even a mild case of COVID can put you at higher risk for blood clots and death, according to a new study
"...individuals who had been diagnosed with COVID but weren’t hospitalized were still at a risk nearly 3 times as high for venous thromboembolism—blood clots & pulmonary embolism—when compared with similar individuals who hadn’t had COVID."
Even mild Covid raises the chance of heart attack and stroke. What to know about the risks ahead
The big concern raised by this fresh study is that medium- to long-term harms on the body’s blood vessel network (the vascular system) may be much more common than that. And it could drive a new pandemic of cardiovascular disease over the coming years."
Eric Topol on Twitter
Analysis thread on Twitter: The persistent excess of arterial and venous blood clots after Covid at 1 year compared with controls https://ahajournals.org/doi/10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.122.060785 @CircAHA by @jonathanasterne and colleagues