Covid and What We Peasants Can Do to Protect Ourselves
“Short List to Fight COVID if Infected
- Metformin: anti-inflammatory & anti-viral
- Zinc: anti-viral
- Quercetin: anti-viral
- Famotidine: slows the production of inflammatory cytokines.
- Mouthwash with CPC kills the virus in the mouth & throat.
- Saline nasal spray & rinse
- Vit.C, B2, D3 w/K2, & E
- Probiotics
- CoQ-10: helps prevent mitochondrial dysfunction.
- No sugar
- Extra water
- Sleep/ rest”
“I'm improving!
I threw a bunch of shit at this out of desperation and something is working.
Taurine, NAC, CBC (cannabichromene), California poppy (it slows HR, not an opiate), and an herbal supplement with eluethero, reishi, holy basil, rhodiola, and schisandra.”
Long-term intermittent fasting reduces COVID-19 heart failure complications & death in patients w/ previous heart disease, new @Intermountain study find. Results presented today #ACC23.
How to correctly do a Covid Rapid Test Rapid test instructions and video. Omicron is sneakier, you need to swab well at mouth then nose. It may even take 5 days before you test positive. You are doing this to help others. It matters.
What a remarkable #LongCovid info resource by 20 long-haulers & experts, @fi_lowenstein
@WildNycgirl & many others, w/ @VirusesImmunity afterword Thank you so much for this work!
"How to Improve Heart Health After Covid Evidence suggests that Covid survivors have substantially higher chances of developing cardiovascular disease. But experts say there are effective ways to minimize the risk."
For #LongCovid, summary of many unanswered questions, no biomarker or treatments. What can doctors do now? "the foremost tools in our armamentarium..careful listening, providing validation, and offering empathy" https://thelancet.com/journals/lanrhe/article/PIIS2665-9913(22)00266-1/fulltext @TheLancetRheum
"Helping Patients with COVID-19 Avoid Blood Clots Vascular experts are wading through a constant stream of data to continue refining the best approaches to avoid dangerous thrombosis events in people sick with the novel coronavirus."
Related: "we seek to target endothelial dysfunction in critically Ill patients with covid by giving them an endothelial protocol ( L-arginine, Folic Acid, Statin, Nicorandil, Vitamin B complex) and monitor clinical outcome in those patients."
Related: “These findings suggest a new way of thinking about how to deal with pathologic breakdown of the endothelial barrier,"
Endothelium, Heal Thyself