"Why should I wear a mask outside?" "Can you really catch COVID outside?"
Thanks for asking! We now have a little zine that answers those questions!
This is available for anyone to print!
August 22, 2025 From CDC
“Wearing a mask is an additional prevention strategy that you can choose to further protect yourself and others.”
Now that the mask ban has passed in Nassau County, important tips from ACLU's New York Chapter on your rights.
Cops can't: ❌Make you provide a doctors note proving your disability ❌Force you to disclose private health info ❌Make you take off a religious face covering
N95? KN95? KF94? The best is whichever fits you. I have high cheekbones & most N95s leak at my upper face. All Kf94s & most KN95s fit me perfectly, though, & I tie knots in ear loops to tighten just right. @masknerd has a great video: Fit, Fit, Fit!!!
Thread 10 days post-wedding, we’ve had zero new COVID cases among all the attendees (approx. 150 people.) Was it the masking? Was it the Corsi-Rosenthal boxes? Was it a 99.9% vaccinated and boosted attendee list? It was all of the above. We prioritized safety AND had a great time. Fin.
I know it feels impossible to avoid COVID these days, but I just traveled for 4 weeks, took 10 flights, gave 4 in-person presentations, and attended 3 conferences without catching COVID... and you can too.
Yes, COVID is highly transmissible, but it's not magic. A brief 🧵.
Today's a great day to remember that, if you need a doctor's note to wear a mask at work:
The CDC has helpfully provided a list of high risk conditions which can necessitate masking in order to protect yourself or a loved one, and...
Many of them are very, very common.
Faces come in different shapes. (For example, most well-rated N95s leak at my nose and don't fit my cheekbones. Oft-maligned ear loop Kf94s fit me perfectly, and pass fit tests.) How to fit test masks at home: