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laurie allee on Twitter
laurie allee on Twitter
Looking for potential ways to possibly (hopefully!?) improve/heal endothelial damage after Covid. I'll include this here in case it becomes relevant piece of the puzzle:
laurie allee on Twitter
Mechanics Insights of Alpha-Lipoic Acid against Cardiovascular Diseases during COVID-19 Infection
Mechanics Insights of Alpha-Lipoic Acid against Cardiovascular Diseases during COVID-19 Infection

Mechanics Insights of Alpha-Lipoic Acid against Cardiovascular Diseases during COVID-19 Infection "ALA improves endothelial function by restoring the endothelial nitric oxide synthase activity and presents an anti-inflammatory effect dependent or independent of its antioxidant properties..."

Mechanics Insights of Alpha-Lipoic Acid against Cardiovascular Diseases during COVID-19 Infection