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We need to address what people should do AFTER Covid infection. I believe Covid+ is for life, regardless of severity of initial (& subsequent) infections. It's a vascular disease causing organ, epithelial & endocrine damage. What screening tests should folks get? Who is on this?
We need to address what people should do AFTER Covid infection. I believe Covid+ is for life, regardless of severity of initial (& subsequent) infections. It's a vascular disease causing organ, epithelial & endocrine damage. What screening tests should folks get? Who is on this?
Post acute Covid testing
We need to address what people should do AFTER Covid infection. I believe Covid+ is for life, regardless of severity of initial (& subsequent) infections. It's a vascular disease causing organ, epithelial & endocrine damage. What screening tests should folks get? Who is on this?
I'm using the thread below as a master thread to add information about post-Covid testing -- how do we look for potential problems (blood clots, heart damage, new-onset diabetes, cognitive decline, etc) after even mild infection? Conversation started below:
I'm using the thread below as a master thread to add information about post-Covid testing -- how do we look for potential problems (blood clots, heart damage, new-onset diabetes, cognitive decline, etc) after even mild infection? Conversation started below:
Thread on post-acute Covid tests to spot potential damage
I'm using the thread below as a master thread to add information about post-Covid testing -- how do we look for potential problems (blood clots, heart damage, new-onset diabetes, cognitive decline, etc) after even mild infection? Conversation started below:
laurie allee on Twitter
laurie allee on Twitter
Posting w/permission: 46 yr old friend had Covid 6 weeks ago. Tried in vain to get post-Covid proactive screening tests for clots, blood sugar and cardiac work-up. HMO PCP balked. Urgent Care only took blood pressure (oddly elevated, 1st time.) She found lab to order herself:
laurie allee on Twitter