This is public health at its best. In 30 seconds - 'SARS-CoV-2 continues to mutate. You will continue to be reinfected. The risk of increases with each infection. Ventilate rooms frequently, and wear a mask. Tokyo Metropolitan Government.
“This is public health at its best. In 30 seconds - 'SARS-CoV-2 continues to mutate. You will continue to be reinfected. The risk of #LongCovid increases with each infection. Ventilate rooms frequently, and wear a mask. Tokyo Metropolitan Government.”
Near Infrared Light (940nm) Improves COVID Outcomes: Exciting Randomized Control Trial
Never have been so excited to post a video! The data is showing what we’ve been saying and it’s a strong effect! NIR is working for COVID. If you only watch and share one MedCram video this is the one: