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Schools don't have to be hotbeds of COVID. One dad is fighting back with facts
Schools don't have to be hotbeds of COVID. One dad is fighting back with facts
“What if schools could prevent sick days, teacher shortages and lost IQ points? A new COVID safety course lights the way”
What if schools could prevent sick days, teacher shortages and lost IQ points? A new COVID safety course lights the way
Schools don't have to be hotbeds of COVID. One dad is fighting back with facts
This is public health at its best. In 30 seconds - 'SARS-CoV-2 continues to mutate. You will continue to be reinfected. The risk of increases with each infection. Ventilate rooms frequently, and wear a mask. Tokyo Metropolitan Government.
This is public health at its best. In 30 seconds - 'SARS-CoV-2 continues to mutate. You will continue to be reinfected. The risk of increases with each infection. Ventilate rooms frequently, and wear a mask. Tokyo Metropolitan Government.
“This is public health at its best. In 30 seconds - 'SARS-CoV-2 continues to mutate. You will continue to be reinfected. The risk of #LongCovid increases with each infection. Ventilate rooms frequently, and wear a mask. Tokyo Metropolitan Government.”
This is public health at its best. In 30 seconds - 'SARS-CoV-2 continues to mutate. You will continue to be reinfected. The risk of increases with each infection. Ventilate rooms frequently, and wear a mask. Tokyo Metropolitan Government.