So, I've spoken about TCM in the past: Given that criticizing TCM in China or publishing a study in which it was ineffective is quite difficult, I take any studies on it with a grain of salt. That said, from a game theory point of view, it's a good idea.
Starting thread on Benadryl /other antihistamines & potential use in Covid / Long Covid: "Further long COVID research will be needed to truly put antihistamines to the test, but 2 promising case reports from California could help kickstart the process."
Today's a great day to remember that, if you need a doctor's note to wear a mask at work:
The CDC has helpfully provided a list of high risk conditions which can necessitate masking in order to protect yourself or a loved one, and...
Many of them are very, very common.
Fun & fab video on building a #CorsiRosenthalBox by @geoffberner
#CleanAir #Ventilation Full video 👇👇👇 in Geoff's tweet
All of these families had Covid show up AT HOME, with one family member - and infect no one else.
And all of them had #CorsiRosenthalBoxes at the heart of their #CleanTheAir plan.
Now? A new thread to help weave this tapestry of #CleanAir with #HEPA.
HEPA, HEPA, HEPAAAAS! Quote Tweet Lazarus Long @LazarusLong13 ·
If you use COVID mitigation measures chances are you’ve made a lot of sacrifices with relationships or events related to family, friends and/or colleagues
Remember: #YouAreNotAlone
Below is a list of support groups with COVID-informed like-minded communities ⤵️
Thread Ways to get around paywalls, including those for scholarly articles