Thread Ways to get around paywalls, including those for scholarly articles
Thread So all this BS about there being no RCTs proving mask effectiveness are lies.
A) A proper RCT is impossible, and B) an RCT that tested "being forced to wear a respirator, but only at work" vs "up to you" showed respirators meaningfully reduced infection.
Thread Unpacking the multiple layers of wrong assumptions: Layer 1: An implicit misunderstanding of how electret filters work - thinking that they’re like sieves rather than the overlapped sticky spiderwebs that they actually are.
Fit Testing to ensure a good seal on your mask [Part 1]
This thread explains what mask fit testing is (qualitative and quantitative), why it is important, and my testing experience with some real-world results of various types of masks including NIOSH N95 and ear loop. 🧵1/
Thread 🧵 refuting a spurious case against mask requirements in healthcare
I won’t link a recent anti-mask article by infection control specialists as I refuse to amplify. However, I will address the inept “downside” case they tried to make for “Why Not” to mask in healthcare