Covid History

Covid History

#analysis #Discussion
I’m seeing so many Democrats panic about the incoming administration’s public health stance after spending the last 3 years pretending COVID no longer exists amid record disability & death. There was ZERO public education, & the newly disabled were subjected to Don’t Ask, Don’t…
I’m seeing so many Democrats panic about the incoming administration’s public health stance after spending the last 3 years pretending COVID no longer exists amid record disability & death. There was ZERO public education, & the newly disabled were subjected to Don’t Ask, Don’t…
“I’m seeing so many Democrats panic about the incoming administration’s public health stance after spending the last 3 years pretending COVID no longer exists amid record disability & death. There was ZERO public education, & the newly disabled were subjected to Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell & abandoned by society. Amid RECORD communicable disease—record TB, syphilis/congenital syphilis & other STIs, strep, mosquito-borne diseases, RSV, pertussis, drug resistance, record foodborne pathogens, etc—NO ONE SAID A THING. There was only silence since a Democrat was in power. NO ONE protested living & dying for corporate profits, or transferring workers’ rights back to employers, or the MASSIVE wealth transfer from the bottom to the top, & we deserve everything that is coming.”
I’m seeing so many Democrats panic about the incoming administration’s public health stance after spending the last 3 years pretending COVID no longer exists amid record disability & death. There was ZERO public education, & the newly disabled were subjected to Don’t Ask, Don’t…
(🧵NO ONE COULD HAVE PREDICTED THIS): To answer the question "What does the future hold for 𝑆𝐀𝑅𝑆-𝐂𝑂𝑉-𝟐?" it's worth examining how predictable its evolutionary trajectory has been so far. Evolution is stochastic, but stochastic processes can still yield predictions. (1/)
(🧵NO ONE COULD HAVE PREDICTED THIS): To answer the question "What does the future hold for 𝑆𝐀𝑅𝑆-𝐂𝑂𝑉-𝟐?" it's worth examining how predictable its evolutionary trajectory has been so far. Evolution is stochastic, but stochastic processes can still yield predictions. (1/)
“(🧵NO ONE COULD HAVE PREDICTED THIS): To answer the question "What does the future hold for 𝑆𝐀𝑅𝑆-𝐂𝑂𝑉-𝟐?" it's worth examining how predictable its evolutionary trajectory has been so far. Evolution is stochastic, but stochastic processes can still yield predictions. (1/)”
(🧵NO ONE COULD HAVE PREDICTED THIS): To answer the question "What does the future hold for 𝑆𝐀𝑅𝑆-𝐂𝑂𝑉-𝟐?" it's worth examining how predictable its evolutionary trajectory has been so far. Evolution is stochastic, but stochastic processes can still yield predictions. (1/)