Long Covid/PASC (general)

"#Post-Acute Conditions" "#long covid" #inflammation
Frontiers | Connecting dots of long COVID-19 pathogenesis: a vagus nerve- hypothalamic-pituitary- adrenal-mitochondrial axis dysfunction
Frontiers | Connecting dots of long COVID-19 pathogenesis: a vagus nerve- hypothalamic-pituitary- adrenal-mitochondrial axis dysfunction

“We hypothesize that the key to LC pathogenesis lies in the presence of chronic functional damage to the main anti-inflammatory mechanisms of our body:

“The three reflexes mediated by

  • The vagus nerve
  • The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal(HPA) axis reflex.
  • and the mitochondrial redox status.”
Frontiers | Connecting dots of long COVID-19 pathogenesis: a vagus nerve- hypothalamic-pituitary- adrenal-mitochondrial axis dysfunction
Between 2% and 14% of COVID survivors develop a syndrome called postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) (1).
Between 2% and 14% of COVID survivors develop a syndrome called postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) (1).

“Between 2% and 14% of COVID survivors develop a syndrome called postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) (1).

However, it is commonly attributed to stress and anxiety.

This is the surprising story of how POTS (and possibly Long COVID) might be linked to an even rarer syndrome...🧵”

Between 2% and 14% of COVID survivors develop a syndrome called postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) (1).
Frontiers | A blood-based mRNA signature distinguishes people with Long COVID from recovered individuals
Frontiers | A blood-based mRNA signature distinguishes people with Long COVID from recovered individuals
“Seventy genes were identified as significantly up- or down-regulated in Long COVID samples, and the vast majority were downregulated. The most significantly up- or downregulated genes fell into two main categories, either associated with cell survival or with inflammation. This included genes such as ICOS (FDR p = 0.024) and S1PR1 (FDR p = 0.019) that were both up-regulated, indicating that a pro-inflammatory state is sustained in Long COVID PBMCs compared with COVID recovered PBMCs”
Frontiers | A blood-based mRNA signature distinguishes people with Long COVID from recovered individuals