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🚨⚠️ Heart attacks🫀in people under 40 have risen 66% since the beginning of the COVID pandemic. COVID is a vascular disease
🚨⚠️ Heart attacks🫀in people under 40 have risen 66% since the beginning of the COVID pandemic. COVID is a vascular disease

“Heart attacks🫀in people under 40 have risen 66% since the beginning of the COVID pandemic. COVID is a vascular disease

COVID can affect the cardiovascular system by increasing blood stickiness, which raises the likelihood of blood clot formation.”

🚨⚠️ Heart attacks🫀in people under 40 have risen 66% since the beginning of the COVID pandemic. COVID is a vascular disease
COVID-19 is not just a cold. While some may experience mild symptoms, the virus can lead to serious long-term health issues, including damage to the lungs, heart, and brain. Even those with mild cases may face lingering effects. Protect yourself and others by staying informed and…
COVID-19 is not just a cold. While some may experience mild symptoms, the virus can lead to serious long-term health issues, including damage to the lungs, heart, and brain. Even those with mild cases may face lingering effects. Protect yourself and others by staying informed and…
“COVID-19 is not just a cold. While some may experience mild symptoms, the virus can lead to serious long-term health issues, including damage to the lungs, heart, and brain. Even those with mild cases may face lingering effects. Protect yourself and others by staying informed and taking precautions—COVID’s impact can be far-reaching. “Resources
COVID-19 is not just a cold. While some may experience mild symptoms, the virus can lead to serious long-term health issues, including damage to the lungs, heart, and brain. Even those with mild cases may face lingering effects. Protect yourself and others by staying informed and…
Advocates say the Harris campaign must address long COVID
Advocates say the Harris campaign must address long COVID
“For over four years, long COVID-19 patients and advocates have been frustrated by a lack of public acknowledgment of their condition and the ongoing long-term impact of COVID-19”
For over four years, long COVID-19 patients and advocates have been frustrated by a lack of public acknowledgment of their condition and the ongoing long-term impact of COVID-19
Advocates say the Harris campaign must address long COVID
With a healthy immune system, one can usually reach ketosis in a matter of hours of fasting, an important part of cycling through energy that helps to regenerate immune cells. In Long Covid, this is not possible due to persistent gluconeogenesis, thus ongoing immune dysfunction.
With a healthy immune system, one can usually reach ketosis in a matter of hours of fasting, an important part of cycling through energy that helps to regenerate immune cells. In Long Covid, this is not possible due to persistent gluconeogenesis, thus ongoing immune dysfunction.
“With a healthy immune system, one can usually reach ketosis in a matter of hours of fasting, an important part of cycling through energy that helps to regenerate immune cells. In Long Covid, this is not possible due to persistent gluconeogenesis, thus ongoing immune dysfunction.”
With a healthy immune system, one can usually reach ketosis in a matter of hours of fasting, an important part of cycling through energy that helps to regenerate immune cells. In Long Covid, this is not possible due to persistent gluconeogenesis, thus ongoing immune dysfunction.
.’s posted his follow up video to the first one he released, sharing his LongCovid. If you haven’t seen that one (link to the full video in the qt), definitely watch it first before clicking the link to watch the second in its fully 10min:
.’s posted his follow up video to the first one he released, sharing his LongCovid. If you haven’t seen that one (link to the full video in the qt), definitely watch it first before clicking the link to watch the second in its fully 10min:
Matt McGorry’s Long Covid story
.’s posted his follow up video to the first one he released, sharing his LongCovid. If you haven’t seen that one (link to the full video in the qt), definitely watch it first before clicking the link to watch the second in its fully 10min:
‘We need Psychologists… but please don’t psychologise Long Covid’ | BPS
‘We need Psychologists… but please don’t psychologise Long Covid’ | BPS
Great article. David Joffe quote, "please do not psychologise ME/CFS or Long Covid...this is a direct organic, neurological condition, with a plethora of complex outcomes, including severe consequences for autonomy and quality of life."
‘We need Psychologists… but please don’t psychologise Long Covid’ | BPS
A doctor friend of mine said that every covid long hauler that he has seen has abnormal connective tissue samples when seen under the microscope. Long Covid will be known as a connective tissue disease which disrupts the Neuroimmune, Autonomic and Brain-Micro-Vessel Axis.
A doctor friend of mine said that every covid long hauler that he has seen has abnormal connective tissue samples when seen under the microscope. Long Covid will be known as a connective tissue disease which disrupts the Neuroimmune, Autonomic and Brain-Micro-Vessel Axis.
“A doctor friend of mine said that every covid long hauler that he has seen has abnormal connective tissue samples when seen under the microscope. Long Covid will be known as a connective tissue disease which disrupts the Neuroimmune, Autonomic and Brain-Micro-Vessel Axis.”
A doctor friend of mine said that every covid long hauler that he has seen has abnormal connective tissue samples when seen under the microscope. Long Covid will be known as a connective tissue disease which disrupts the Neuroimmune, Autonomic and Brain-Micro-Vessel Axis.
I've seen literally dozens of doctors for my long COVID symptoms. Most of them in California. In this thread, I'm going to list a few that I recommend. Hopefully, this is helpful for anyone struggling. Unfortunately, most of these folks do not take insurance, but you may be able…
I've seen literally dozens of doctors for my long COVID symptoms. Most of them in California. In this thread, I'm going to list a few that I recommend. Hopefully, this is helpful for anyone struggling. Unfortunately, most of these folks do not take insurance, but you may be able…
“I've seen literally dozens of doctors for my long COVID symptoms. Most of them in California. In this thread, I'm going to list a few that I recommend. Hopefully, this is helpful for anyone struggling. Unfortunately, most of these folks do not take insurance, but you may be able to get reimbursed.”
I've seen literally dozens of doctors for my long COVID symptoms. Most of them in California. In this thread, I'm going to list a few that I recommend. Hopefully, this is helpful for anyone struggling. Unfortunately, most of these folks do not take insurance, but you may be able…
Nearly 10,000 Long Covid patients in Netherlands unable to work | NL Times
Nearly 10,000 Long Covid patients in Netherlands unable to work | NL Times
“Nearly 10,000 Long Covid patients in the Netherlands have been declared fully or partially incapacitated for work. At the end of August, benefits agency UWV paid out occupational disability (WIA) benefits to 9,746 people due to Long Covid, also called post-Covid syndrome, the Volksrkant reports.”
Nearly 10,000 Long Covid patients in Netherlands unable to work | NL Times
Long covid sos calls for public health action as 6 out of 10 aware of the impact of long covid
Long covid sos calls for public health action as 6 out of 10 aware of the impact of long covid

New LONG COVID survey by YouGov (commissioned by @LongCovidSOS):

🚨Over 4% of respondents have Long Covid

🚨A further 6% said they might have LC but weren’t sure

🚨1 in 3 reported knowing someone with Long Covid

🚨25% were concerned about Long Covid

Long covid sos calls for public health action as 6 out of 10 aware of the impact of long covid
Risk of Reinfection and Incidence of Chronic Symptoms After SARS-CoV-2 Infections | Open Forum Infectious Diseases | Oxford Academic
Risk of Reinfection and Incidence of Chronic Symptoms After SARS-CoV-2 Infections | Open Forum Infectious Diseases | Oxford Academic

Risk if Long Covid with reinfection:

In this study : ▶️ The risk was 33% for those infected for the first time ▶️ But the risk was 43% among those who experienced reinfection

Risk of Reinfection and Incidence of Chronic Symptoms After SARS-CoV-2 Infections | Open Forum Infectious Diseases | Oxford Academic
Matt McGorry opens up about battle with long Covid and its symptoms
Matt McGorry opens up about battle with long Covid and its symptoms

“Matt McGorry opened up about how contracting long COVID has altered his life.

On October 29th, the How to Get Away with Murder actor shared an eight minute long video on Instagram where he spoke about his struggles with the symptoms of the virus. “

Matt McGorry opened up about how contracting long COVID has altered his life.On October 29th, the How to Get Away with Murder actor shared an eight minute long video on Instagram where he spoke about his struggles with the symptoms of the virus.
Matt McGorry opens up about battle with long Covid and its symptoms
Many People with Long COVID Have Signs of Persistent SARS-CoV-2 Proteins, New Findings Show
Many People with Long COVID Have Signs of Persistent SARS-CoV-2 Proteins, New Findings Show
“Studies have shown that for some people, SARS-CoV-2 doesn’t completely clear out after acute infection. Scientists have observed signs that the virus may persist in various parts of the body, and many suspect that this lingering virus, or remnants consisting of SARS-CoV-2 protein, may be causing Long COVID symptoms in some individuals. Now, in a new study supported by RECOVER, scientists found that people with Long COVID were twice as likely to have these viral remnants in their blood as people with no lingering symptoms.”
Studies have shown that for some people, SARS-CoV-2 doesn’t completely clear out after acute infection. Scientists have observed signs that the virus may persist in various parts of the body, and many suspect that this lingering virus, or remnants consisting of SARS-CoV-2 protein, may be causing Long COVID symptoms in some individuals. Now, in a new study supported by RECOVER, scientists found that people with Long COVID were twice as likely to have these viral remnants in their blood as people with no lingering symptoms.
Many People with Long COVID Have Signs of Persistent SARS-CoV-2 Proteins, New Findings Show
Western researchers closing in on treatment for long COVID
Western researchers closing in on treatment for long COVID

Western researchers closing in on treatment for long COVID…The CEO of Google founded the Schmidt Institute for LongCovid.

“SILC-supported researchers are studying the symptoms of 6,000 patients & looking for clues in their blood—particularly the behavior of thousands of proteins & hundreds of biological markers—to determine the pathology of LongCovid & why & how it persists…

In the future, SILC & its research partners .. aim to use this information to find therapeutics & improved tests for LongCovid.”

Western researchers closing in on treatment for long COVID
can lead to organ damage, inflammation, and blood abnormalities.
can lead to organ damage, inflammation, and blood abnormalities.

“#LongCovid can lead to organ damage, inflammation, and blood abnormalities.

Clinically Vulnerable people are already dealing with health challenges. Health privilege can mean that those unaffected may not fully grasp that, for us, additional damage is not an acceptable risk.”

can lead to organ damage, inflammation, and blood abnormalities.
Doctors struggling to treat long Covid patients in India. Here's why
Doctors struggling to treat long Covid patients in India. Here's why

Harvard Medical School study published in the International Journal of Infectious Diseases estimated that the following percentages of people have long Covid:

  • 31% of moderately or severely infected individuals in North America

  • 44% in Europe

  • 51% in Asia

Doctors struggling to treat long Covid patients in India. Here's why
Clinical and functional assessment of SARS-CoV-2 sequelae among young marines – a panel study
Clinical and functional assessment of SARS-CoV-2 sequelae among young marines – a panel study

“In this population of healthy young adult US Marines with mostly either asymptomatic or mild acute COVID-19, one fourth reported physical, cognitive, or psychiatric long-term sequelae of infection. The Marines affected with PASC showed evidence of long-term decrease in functional performance suggesting that SARS-CoV-2 infection may negatively affect health for a significant proportion of young adults.”

n this population of healthy young adult US Marines with mostly either asymptomatic or mild acute COVID-19, one fourth reported physical, cognitive, or psychiatric long-term sequelae of infection. The Marines affected with PASC showed evidence of long-term decrease in functional performance suggesting that SARS-CoV-2 infection may negatively affect health for a significant proportion of young adults.
Clinical and functional assessment of SARS-CoV-2 sequelae among young marines – a panel study
Evusheld tx my long COVID
Evusheld tx my long COVID

“Evusheld tx my long COVID

Evusheld is a combo of 2 long-acting monoclonal antibodies Tixagevimab/cilgavimab

in 2021 I got this tx for acute COVID infection ⬇️ Prevented me from becoming hospitalized, I felt better within 45 mins of injection & my long COVID from 2020 resolved” Thread:

Evusheld tx my long COVID
Did I not get the memo?
Did I not get the memo?
“Why do emergency department reports and hospital discharge summaries not mention that my patient tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 (or had “a really bad cold” or “the worst flu ever”) 1 month before they presented to hospital with weakness, falls, confusion, dyspnea, heart failure, acute kidney injury, or non–ST-elevation myocardial infarction? Doesn’t that seem relevant? It does to me.”pos
Did I not get the memo?
Long Covid is a significant health crisis in China too
Long Covid is a significant health crisis in China too

“Long Covid can affect nearly every organ system resulting in various symptoms including fatigue, cognitive dysfunction, post-exertional malaise, autonomic dysfunction, and chronic conditions including new onset diabetes, cardiovascular disease, gastrointestinal and neurologic disorders.2 Long Covid can affect people across the lifespan and across age, race and ethnicity, and baseline health status.3 Chinese scientists were among the first to report Long Covid in people who survived the acute phase of Covid-19.4 However, these early seminal Chinese studies on Long Covid were exclusively from Wuhan – where the pandemic originated. Because of China’s zero Covid policies, infection rates plummeted quickly in Wuhan and were very low and sporadic outside of Wuhan for much of 2020, 2021, and 2022. However, China relaxed its zero Covid policies at the end of 2022 which led to explosion of cases – hundreds of millions of Chinese got infected…”

Long Covid is a significant health crisis in China too
If 20% of those infected get Long COVID, and 37% of those quit work due to the symptoms, that’s over 7% of the people catching COVID that leave the workforce and school. (See Stanford study linked below)
If 20% of those infected get Long COVID, and 37% of those quit work due to the symptoms, that’s over 7% of the people catching COVID that leave the workforce and school. (See Stanford study linked below)

“If 20% of those infected get Long COVID, and 37% of those quit work due to the symptoms, that’s over 7% of the people catching COVID that leave the workforce and school. (See Stanford study linked below)

That is a staggering number.

Let’s sanity check that. Figure some 60% of the population has been infected in the last year. So out of the workforce of 150m that would mean some 90m were infected and over 6m would have left the workforce from debilitating Long COVID just in the last year.

While that is a depressingly large number, it does match up with earlier surveys that estimated between 18-22m had left the workforce due to Long COVIS and never returned since the start of the pandemic almost five years ago.

So yes, those are huge numbers which comprise a huge drag on the US economy. It would be WAY cheaper to develop and deploy new vaccines and air quality improvements, even on a national scale. (And it would save a lot of lives and livelihoods as well.)

But worst thing about our current lackadaisical approach to public health, is that the damage is ongoing and will continue until we force our leaders to do something about it.”

If 20% of those infected get Long COVID, and 37% of those quit work due to the symptoms, that’s over 7% of the people catching COVID that leave the workforce and school. (See Stanford study linked below)
Experiences of Canadians with long-term symptoms following COVID-19
Experiences of Canadians with long-term symptoms following COVID-19
“About 3.5 million Canadian adults reported experiencing long-term symptoms following a COVID-19 infection; 2.1 million reported they were still experiencing those symptoms as of June 2023. Almost half of those still experiencing symptoms reported they have not seen any improvement in symptoms over time.”
About 3.5 million Canadian adults reported experiencing long-term symptoms following a COVID-19 infection; 2.1 million reported they were still experiencing those symptoms as of June 2023. Almost half of those still experiencing symptoms reported they have not seen any improvement in symptoms over time.
Experiences of Canadians with long-term symptoms following COVID-19
L0NG C0VID is not a simple yes or no; it exists on a spectrum that ranges from asymptomatic today to severe, with many nuances in between(Personal simplified perspective):
L0NG C0VID is not a simple yes or no; it exists on a spectrum that ranges from asymptomatic today to severe, with many nuances in between(Personal simplified perspective):

“L0NG C0VID is not a simple yes or no; it exists on a spectrum that ranges from asymptomatic today to severe, with many nuances in between(Personal simplified perspective):

  1. Asymptomatic: You may feel fine now, but future health issues could emerge in months or years to come.

  2. Mild: You can carry out your daily tasks but face challenges that you might try to conceal from others.

  3. Moderate: Your ability to perform everyday activities, such as work, sports, and hobbies, is noticeably affected, requiring adjustments to your routine.

  4. Severe: You are bedridden and unable to function normally.

🔥Each new reinfection can increase the risk of developing Long COVID, potentially worsening the condition for those already suffering. And remember, LC has NO TREATMENT, NO CURE today, only some possible symptomatic relief at best.”

L0NG C0VID is not a simple yes or no; it exists on a spectrum that ranges from asymptomatic today to severe, with many nuances in between(Personal simplified perspective):