168 - The Rebound Method - Rachael shares how to safely start to move your body!
The silent, long-term effects of COVID, and more... | Quirks and Quarks | On Demand | CBC Listen
“even mild or asymptomatic COVID infections can lead to a wide range of silent long term heath impacts — compromising our immune, vascular, circulatory, renal, metabolic, gastrointestinal systems and even cognitive function.”
even mild or asymptomatic COVID infections can lead to a wide range of silent long term heath impacts — compromising our immune, vascular, circulatory, renal, metabolic, gastrointestinal systems and even cognitive function.
167 - Reclaiming Health and Hope with Dr. Teitelbaum
"People said that AIDS was psychosomatic. This is the same thing you hear about COVID and Long COVID. It's shocking to hear people repeat this
“People said that AIDS was psychosomatic. This is the same thing you hear about COVID and Long COVID. It's shocking to hear people repeat this then say that they're liberals or leftists."
"Don't Sleep on Your Power" Senator Lindsey Port on Long COVID Advocacy
Cracking the mystery of long covid | The Big Story
Every COVID Infection Increases Your Risk of Long COVID — cracking the mystery