“Update on my protocol. I spent approx. 2 weeks with a special ChatGPT prompt to create my individual Long Covid & ME/CFS treatment plan. It’s a massive plan with a 4 week introduction phase. After that first real benefits should be visible after 3 months and long lasting benefits after around 12 months. Maybe it’s risky - but I am declining slowly anyway. So, I will give it a try. My last attempt - if this is not successful, so be it.
But as I said, I see already changes (10 days in) My Lunalae is coming back on my thumbs, my wound healing is faster, less cold hands and my skin / scalp is less itchy and better heart rate while standing.
But there are also things what I would call “side effects” like pain and additional exhaustion. But I will hang in there.
I don’t know what it will bring. But why should I wait ? For what ? When ? We are loosing our lives NOW.
I will update you regularly.”
“I hate how much #LongCovid has messed up my brain, and particularly my short-term memory.
This evening, I needed to go to the toilet. So, I dragged myself to the bathroom. Once I got there, I forgot why I was there.
Since I was there, I went in and washed my hands…Then I stumbled back to the couch. 5 minutes later I find that I am now urgently needing the toilet. Dragged myself back to the bathroom.
Now I’m really confused. I remember that I’d just washed my hands, so I assume I had also gone to the toilet. I hadn’t. FFS.”
A positive early course Long Covid trial: Effects of an 8-week high-dose vitamin D supplementation on fatigue and neuropsychiatric manifestations in post-COVID syndrome: A randomized controlled trial
“Hi, I’m Hannah. This is my story about COVID changing my life. This will be a thread, so here we go:
I got COVID in 2020 (during the first wave, months and months before the vaccine was released) at the age of 23. I am now 28 years old, and I spend every day in a bed.”
study of 39 Long COVID patients found elevated interferon activity and autoimmune markers, including anti-dsDNA and anti-Sm antibodies, similar to lupus.
Researchers propose an interferon-driven autoimmune mechanism for Long COVID.
“The Survivorship Bias That’s Killing Us: Long COVID and the Myth of “Moving On”
It’s easy to believe everything is fine when you only see the survivors. The people who didn’t die, who seem to be “back to normal,” are the faces we focus on. But what about the ones you don’t see? The coworker who hasn’t returned to the office. The friend who never seems to make plans anymore. The parent who used to juggle it all but now struggles to get through the day. These are the millions suffering from Long COVID.”
ABC 5 News Cleveland: 'Study shows impact of Long COVID on Ohio workers, need for clinicians to fill gaps'
“Due to this reduced capacity to work, it is estimated that Long COVID resulted in a minimum of $170 billion in lost wages in the USA in 2022"