“So I did what the journalist should have done. I went looking for some data. We all know that doctors and nurses and everyone else in healthcare are sicker now than five years ago, right? I mean, you do, don't you? That across all the massive workforce of the NHS, sickness absence rates are now 25% higher than the pre-pandemic average? Right?”
“Update on my protocol. I spent approx. 2 weeks with a special ChatGPT prompt to create my individual Long Covid & ME/CFS treatment plan. It’s a massive plan with a 4 week introduction phase. After that first real benefits should be visible after 3 months and long lasting benefits after around 12 months. Maybe it’s risky - but I am declining slowly anyway. So, I will give it a try. My last attempt - if this is not successful, so be it.
But as I said, I see already changes (10 days in) My Lunalae is coming back on my thumbs, my wound healing is faster, less cold hands and my skin / scalp is less itchy and better heart rate while standing.
But there are also things what I would call “side effects” like pain and additional exhaustion. But I will hang in there.
I don’t know what it will bring. But why should I wait ? For what ? When ? We are loosing our lives NOW.
I will update you regularly.”
“Professional goalkeeper⚽️for West Ham, Sophie Hillyerd, contracted SARS-CoV-2 in September of 2021.
She developed Long COVID & autonomic issues because of it, which was ongoing at last a year later. She said it's like nothing she's ever experienced…” Thread:
“Between 2% and 14% of COVID survivors develop a syndrome called postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) (1).
However, it is commonly attributed to stress and anxiety.
This is the surprising story of how POTS (and possibly Long COVID) might be linked to an even rarer syndrome...🧵”
Go to AskReddit r/AskReddit jnny_lkahohfa Join After all these years, did any of you get any type of permanent damage from getting covid? If so, what is it?