You’re not imagining it. The ‘quad-demic’ is making everyone sick.

Only call 999 in emergences, urge ambulance chiefs amid 'worst ever' flu season
December 31, 2024
“Only call 999 in emergences, urge ambulance chiefs amid 'worst ever' flu season.
Ambulance Chief Execs highlighted that their teams are ‘under severe pressure’ from seasonally high sickness rates, citing Covid, flu & norovirus as the main culprits.”
New Yorkers should mask up as RSV cases spike, health officials say - Gothamist
New Yorkers should mask up as RSV cases spike, health officials say
More than 350% rise in people hospitalised with flu - as NHS faces 'quad-demic'
“More than 350% rise in people hospitalised with flu - as NHS faces 'quad-demic'”
Unprecedented Rise In Respiratory Illnesses Among Children: The CDC Raises Alarm - Fox Rio Grande Valley
“Increased cases of RSV, pertussis, and walking pneumonia, especially among preschool-age children, ignite concern among health officials and parents alike.”
Increased cases of RSV, pertussis, and walking pneumonia, especially among preschool-age children, ignite concern among health officials and parents alike.