

"#Post-Acute Conditions"
Human Intelligence Sharply Declining
Human Intelligence Sharply Declining
“As the Financial Times reports, assessments show that people across age groups are having trouble concentrating and losing reasoning, problem-solving, and information-processing skills — all facets of the hard-to-measure metric that ‘intelligence’ is supposed to measure.”
Human Intelligence Sharply Declining
Here's how you can develop pneumonia from getting the flu
Here's how you can develop pneumonia from getting the flu

Here's how you can develop pneumonia from getting the flu

“there are studies to suggest that Covid-19 may change the balance of certain immune cells, potentially impairing the immune system response to other viruses or bacteria.”

Here's how you can develop pneumonia from getting the flu
My feed is 100% mass disease & premature death, with a smattering of “positive content” thrown in for good measure. So it’s like, “We are sick & dying, flu, flu, Covid, flu, WATCH THIS KITTEN, bird flu, HMPV, dead kids, flu, HEARTWARMING MOMENT, kid dies of heart attack, bird…— Laura Miers (@LauraMiers) February 13, 2025
My feed is 100% mass disease & premature death, with a smattering of “positive content” thrown in for good measure. So it’s like, “We are sick & dying, flu, flu, Covid, flu, WATCH THIS KITTEN, bird flu, HMPV, dead kids, flu, HEARTWARMING MOMENT, kid dies of heart attack, bird…— Laura Miers (@LauraMiers) February 13, 2025

“My feed is 100% mass disease & premature death, with a smattering of “positive content” thrown in for good measure.

So it’s like, ‘We are sick & dying, flu, flu, Covid, flu, WATCH THIS KITTEN, bird flu, HMPV, dead kids, flu, HEARTWARMING MOMENT, kid dies of heart attack, bird flu, mystery illness, dead students, dead teachers, unconscious bus drivers, plane crashes, PUPPIES, Covid, flu.’”

My feed is 100% mass disease & premature death, with a smattering of “positive content” thrown in for good measure. So it’s like, “We are sick & dying, flu, flu, Covid, flu, WATCH THIS KITTEN, bird flu, HMPV, dead kids, flu, HEARTWARMING MOMENT, kid dies of heart attack, bird…— Laura Miers (@LauraMiers) February 13, 2025
‘I dread the feeling of realising I forgot to do something’ – doctors continue to work despite being mentally unwell
‘I dread the feeling of realising I forgot to do something’ – doctors continue to work despite being mentally unwell
“Six in ten said it contributed to a lack of empathy with patients and similar number cited loss of concentration with fear of making mistakes and practising defensive medicine also a consequence”
Six in ten said it contributed to a lack of empathy with patients and similar number cited loss of concentration with fear of making mistakes and practising defensive medicine also a consequence
‘I dread the feeling of realising I forgot to do something’ – doctors continue to work despite being mentally unwell
Can’t Think, Can’t Remember: More Americans Say They’re in a Cognitive Fog (Published 2023)
Can’t Think, Can’t Remember: More Americans Say They’re in a Cognitive Fog (Published 2023)

“There are more Americans who say they have serious cognitive problems…than at any time in the last 15 years…

…Richard Deitz, an economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, analyzed the data and attributed much of the increase to Long Covid

‘These numbers don’t do this — they don’t just start suddenly increasing sharply like this,’ he said.”

Can’t Think, Can’t Remember: More Americans Say They’re in a Cognitive Fog (Published 2023)
Caught up with quite a few friends over Xmas (most aged under 40) and nearly all now have alcohol allergies, deteriorating eyesight, new auto-immune diseases, shingles, rotting teeth, significant flu/pneumonia after-effects, muscle degeneration or persistent heart, brain or lung…
Caught up with quite a few friends over Xmas (most aged under 40) and nearly all now have alcohol allergies, deteriorating eyesight, new auto-immune diseases, shingles, rotting teeth, significant flu/pneumonia after-effects, muscle degeneration or persistent heart, brain or lung…

“Caught up with quite a few friends over Xmas (most aged under 40) and nearly all now have alcohol allergies, deteriorating eyesight, new auto-immune diseases, shingles, rotting teeth, significant flu/pneumonia after-effects, muscle degeneration or persistent heart, brain or lung issues since 2021/22 but shhh, don’t anyone dare say the word COVID.


Caught up with quite a few friends over Xmas (most aged under 40) and nearly all now have alcohol allergies, deteriorating eyesight, new auto-immune diseases, shingles, rotting teeth, significant flu/pneumonia after-effects, muscle degeneration or persistent heart, brain or lung…
THIS IS NOT NORMAL! In the past year in my social and work circles I’m seeing at least 20% of work colleagues constantly sick; 3 friends dead in their 50’s and 60’s; 31 year old friend in hospital with suspected pulmonary embolism; ⬇️
THIS IS NOT NORMAL! In the past year in my social and work circles I’m seeing at least 20% of work colleagues constantly sick; 3 friends dead in their 50’s and 60’s; 31 year old friend in hospital with suspected pulmonary embolism; ⬇️
“THIS IS NOT NORMAL! In the past year in my social and work circles I’m seeing at least 20% of work colleagues constantly sick; 3 friends dead in their 50’s and 60’s; 31 year old friend in hospital with suspected pulmonary embolism; ⬇️”
THIS IS NOT NORMAL! In the past year in my social and work circles I’m seeing at least 20% of work colleagues constantly sick; 3 friends dead in their 50’s and 60’s; 31 year old friend in hospital with suspected pulmonary embolism; ⬇️
Most people I know are suffering from new health conditions acquired these last 2-3 years since we let COVID rip. Specifically the precise things that health officials warned us COVID will do.
Most people I know are suffering from new health conditions acquired these last 2-3 years since we let COVID rip. Specifically the precise things that health officials warned us COVID will do.

“Most people I know are suffering from new health conditions acquired these last 2-3 years since we let COVID rip. Specifically the precise things that health officials warned us COVID will do.

There is qualitative and quantitative data on this. There is no way to worm around it.”

Most people I know are suffering from new health conditions acquired these last 2-3 years since we let COVID rip. Specifically the precise things that health officials warned us COVID will do.
Queen Camilla will miss ceremonial welcome during Qatar State visit
Queen Camilla will miss ceremonial welcome during Qatar State visit
Queen Camilla is being forced to scale back her appearance at tomorrow’s State Visit by the Emir of Qatar as she is still suffering from the ‘lingering’ side effects of a ‘nasty viral chest infection’.
Queen Camilla will miss ceremonial welcome during Qatar State visit
I've been teaching at 3rd level for 30 years. I have never experienced anything like the number of students with recent-onset cardiac, gastrointestinal, and neurological issues as I have in the last couple of years, yet people in the uni keep saying post-COVID, during COVID, etc.
I've been teaching at 3rd level for 30 years. I have never experienced anything like the number of students with recent-onset cardiac, gastrointestinal, and neurological issues as I have in the last couple of years, yet people in the uni keep saying post-COVID, during COVID, etc.
“I've been teaching at 3rd level for 30 years. I have never experienced anything like the number of students with recent-onset cardiac, gastrointestinal, and neurological issues as I have in the last couple of years, yet people in the uni keep saying post-COVID, during COVID, etc.”
I've been teaching at 3rd level for 30 years. I have never experienced anything like the number of students with recent-onset cardiac, gastrointestinal, and neurological issues as I have in the last couple of years, yet people in the uni keep saying post-COVID, during COVID, etc.
Outbreak of 'top infectious threat' at Georgia school sends scrambling
Outbreak of 'top infectious threat' at Georgia school sends scrambling
“Health officials say up to 300 people may have been exposed to someone with an active tuberculosis infection at Walton High School in Cobb County, which is about 20 miles northwest of Atlanta.”
Health officials say up to 300 people may have been exposed to someone with an active tuberculosis infection at Walton High School in Cobb County, which is about 20 miles northwest of Atlanta.
Outbreak of 'top infectious threat' at Georgia school sends scrambling
I don’t let anyone in my exercise trials if they have been infected in the last 3 months. If they’ve been hospitalized for Covid, they require a cardiac screening by a physician.
I don’t let anyone in my exercise trials if they have been infected in the last 3 months. If they’ve been hospitalized for Covid, they require a cardiac screening by a physician.

“I don’t let anyone in my exercise trials if they have been infected in the last 3 months. If they’ve been hospitalized for Covid, they require a cardiac screening by a physician.

Honestly, I’ve had so much difficulty recruiting this past year that I’m beginning to think that we’re quickly reaching the point I’ve been warning about for years… Adults 35-64 have begun to lose the capacity to exercise.”

I don’t let anyone in my exercise trials if they have been infected in the last 3 months. If they’ve been hospitalized for Covid, they require a cardiac screening by a physician.
Experts find memory troubles in young adults
Experts find memory troubles in young adults

“Experts are increasingly noticing people in their 20s, 30s and 40s experiencing difficulties remembering things. They compare it to the memory function more regularly seen in 70-year-olds.

Psychologists note younger people complaining of trouble remembering things, needing to write everything down, and missing important events because they forgot about them.”


Experts are increasingly noticing people in their 20s, 30s and 40s experiencing difficulties remembering things. They compare it to the memory function more regularly seen in 70-year-olds.Psychologists note younger people complaining of trouble remembering things, needing to write everything down, and missing important events because they forgot about them.
Experts find memory troubles in young adults
Ontario hospitals not prepared to handle projected 72% increase in chronic illness: study | CBC News
Ontario hospitals not prepared to handle projected 72% increase in chronic illness: study | CBC News

“new study projects that millions more Ontarians will live with major illness by 2040.

The report comes from the University of Toronto's Dalla Lana School of Public Health and is published in collaboration with the Ontario Hospital Association (OHA).

If action isn't taken now, Ontario's hospital system will not be able to cope with the influx of chronic illness cases in the next two decades,”

Ontario hospitals not prepared to handle projected 72% increase in chronic illness: study | CBC News