“We don't want to know what happens when a disease like measles spreads through a global population in the wake of a virus that dysregulates their immune system, but we're going to find out and it won't be pretty.
Wear a mask.”
“Sorry I have to write something on Norovirus... Because what is going on is frankly ridiculous.
This is the off the scale data from @UKHSA”
“Remember those airborne fungal outbreaks we’d have every summer back in the day? Neither do I.
Where are all the experts who assured us sc2 couldn’t possibly be harming the immune system, because we’d see opportunistic infections if it were.
(No mention of sc2 in the article)”
20-year-old with pancreatic cancer. This is not something we were seeing routinely in twenty-year olds prior to 2019.
Went to the ER with an Anxiety Attack Before College Finals. The Same Day, Doctors Found Pancreatic Cancer
Here's how you can develop pneumonia from getting the flu
“there are studies to suggest that Covid-19 may change the balance of certain immune cells, potentially impairing the immune system response to other viruses or bacteria.”