20-year-old with pancreatic cancer. This is not something we were seeing routinely in twenty-year olds prior to 2019.
Went to the ER with an Anxiety Attack Before College Finals. The Same Day, Doctors Found Pancreatic Cancer
20-year-old with pancreatic cancer. This is not something we were seeing routinely in twenty-year olds prior to 2019.
Went to the ER with an Anxiety Attack Before College Finals. The Same Day, Doctors Found Pancreatic Cancer
From a population-based study of the data on 36 cancer types from 185 countries/territories, "By 2050, 35.3 million cancer cases worldwide are expected, a 76.6% increase from the 2022 estimate of 20 million. Similarly, 18.5 million cancer deaths are projected by 2050, an 89.7% increase from the 2022 estimate of 9.7 million. Cancer cases and deaths are projected to nearly triple in low-HDI (Human Development index) countries by 2050, compared to a moderate increase in very high–HDI countries (142.1% vs 41.7% for cancer cases and 146.1% vs 56.8% for cancer deaths). Males had a higher incidence and greater number of deaths than females in 2022, with this disparity projected to widen.."