Panic grips Japan as deadly flu outbreak rages - A warning for travellers
L3 jq uh
Early Adult Mortality Is Higher Than Expected In US Post-COVID
* January 29 2025 Outbreak Alert Texas *
Download CDC Guidelines Removed By The Trump Admin
“The Trump administration is scrubbing the CDC’s website of documents on reproductive rights issues, sexual health, intimate partner violence, and more. We’re saving them.”
The Trump administration is scrubbing the CDC’s website of documents on reproductive rights issues, sexual health, intimate partner violence, and more. We’re saving them.
What the Federal Health Agency Gag Order Means for Public Health
Brits given urgent 'stay home, wear mask' warning as cases of infections rise
It warned of illnesses including flu, Covid, RSV, norovirus, the less familiar hMPV and, of course, the common cold. With these viruses proving to be highly infectious and spreading rapidly, the UKHSA urge the public to stay at home or mask up when going outside
Since 2020, there has been a profound increase in disability in the U.S. workforce, especially among younger and middle aged adults.
‘I dread the feeling of realising I forgot to do something’ – doctors continue to work despite being mentally unwell
“Six in ten said it contributed to a lack of empathy with patients and similar number cited loss of concentration with fear of making mistakes and practising defensive medicine also a consequence”
Six in ten said it contributed to a lack of empathy with patients and similar number cited loss of concentration with fear of making mistakes and practising defensive medicine also a consequence
Relative of deadly Hendra virus discovered in the US
What to Know About Alarming Tuberculosis Outbreak in Kansas
Chronic illness rise poses threat to NHS in Wales, says report
3 newborns infected with 'echovirus 11' die in Tokyo - The Mainichi
Trump halts foreign aid, including AIDS relief, TB funding | CIDRAP
Hong Kong's extended flu season poses critical risk of neurological complications in children
Hong Kong - flu posing critical risk of neurological complications in children.
“What we’re seeing isn’t just another seasonal flu wave. Rapid neurological deterioration within 24 hours of infection presents a particularly alarming scenario.”
Severity and Long-Term Mortality of COVID-19, Influenza, and Respiratory Syncytial Virus
You’re not imagining it. The ‘quad-demic’ is making everyone sick.
How to Protect Against Increased Viral Spread in Winter
Puzzling and mysterious
Kansas tuberculosis outbreak is now America's largest in recorded history
“"Currently, Kansas has the largest tuberculosis outbreak that they've ever had in history"
RIP David Lynch
Patients dying in hospital corridors, say nurses
“Patients are dying in corridors and pregnant women are miscarrying in side rooms as overwhelmed hospitals struggle to cope, nurses say.”
Patients are dying in corridors and pregnant women are miscarrying in side rooms as overwhelmed hospitals struggle to cope, nurses say.
I really suggest watching this talk. It could save your brain.
Early-life infection burden continues throughout childhood, new data reveal | CIDRAP
“New data from researchers in Denmark suggest that children who have a lot of common infections early in life have higher risk of moderate to severe infections and antibiotic use throughout childhood.”
Can’t Think, Can’t Remember: More Americans Say They’re in a Cognitive Fog (Published 2023)
“There are more Americans who say they have serious cognitive problems…than at any time in the last 15 years…
…Richard Deitz, an economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, analyzed the data and attributed much of the increase to Long Covid
‘These numbers don’t do this — they don’t just start suddenly increasing sharply like this,’ he said.”
List Of Performers Sick In 2025
“This is the 2025 tracking of performers who have had to cancel shows for some sort of illness or being sick. After the popularity of last years thread. I have decided to do it again this year and this time we are starting from the start of the year not several months in so it is likely the list will be bigger this year.”
This is the 2025 tracking of performers who have had to cancel shows for some sort of illness or being sick. After the popularity of last years thread. I have decided to do it again this year and this time we are starting from the start of the year not several months in so it is likely the list will be bigger this year.
Disability claims skyrocket, raising new puzzle alongside 'excess mortality'
Along with a baffling rise in "post-"pandemic mortality rates that has insurers stymied, the number of Americans claiming disabilities has skyrocketed since 2020, adding another "puzzling factor" that could impact corporate bottom lines.
Ok in my personal circle I know 4 ppl who got shingles after covid too.
“Ok in my personal circle I know 4 ppl who got shingles after covid too.”
Excess mortality: Deaths from all causes compared to average over previous years
So many 'Christmas colds' circulating. I have been alive for over 64 years, and do not remember this level of illness over the holiday period, but by next year this will be considered perfectly normal and (mis)remembered as the way it always was. It's already happening this year.
“So many 'Christmas colds' circulating. I have been alive for over 64 years, and do not remember this level of illness over the holiday period, but by next year this will be considered perfectly normal and (mis)remembered as the way it always was. It's already happening this year.”