Data source: the Chicago school system.
Over 41% of teachers were absent from their classes for 10 or more days during the 2023-24 school year.
In 2020, it was just 12%
Data source: the Chicago school system.
Over 41% of teachers were absent from their classes for 10 or more days during the 2023-24 school year.
In 2020, it was just 12%
The reasons for the surge are unclear, Khan says. "I think that's the million-dollar question in terms of sort of why this peak now,"
“Viruses are Real, No Matter What Joe Rogan and RFK Jr. Say Germ theory denialism has been around since the 1800s, but it's promoted today by pseudoscience conspiracy theorists”
GOJO, the company that makes Purell is literally a CDC partner.
The preoccupation with hand hygiene for airborne viruses is less mysterious now.
“If anyone tells you that we are in a better place now than in the beginning of the pandemic, it’s a lie. People are dying more in the chronic phase of Covid than in the acute stage, and those who survive, are left with chronic illnesses that may become permanent.
We must remain resilient.”
“You need to prepare for the collapse of the US emergency medical system. Hi. I'm an ER nurse, and I want to talk about what you can expect to come in the arena of emergency medicine in the United States, because I think it's important that we are well-informed on how grim the future looks for every American. I posted a musing on this over on the Nursing subreddit, but decided it needed a full writeup, because this is something that will affect every single person who may have a medical emergency and doesn't have their own concierge health team.”
“They do what they want when they want’: Ontario students became ruder in class after the pandemic, study suggests.
Teachers and students report a significant jump in classroom incivility since returning to class after the 2020 lockdowns.”
“Democrats used a shit poll from Impact Research to justify lying that the pandemīc was over because they thought it would be politically profitable for them.
The result:
800,000 C0VlD deaths, 25 million with Long C0VlD, more C0VlD in 2024 than 2020
and a LANDSLIDE loss.”
From a population-based study of the data on 36 cancer types from 185 countries/territories, "By 2050, 35.3 million cancer cases worldwide are expected, a 76.6% increase from the 2022 estimate of 20 million. Similarly, 18.5 million cancer deaths are projected by 2050, an 89.7% increase from the 2022 estimate of 9.7 million. Cancer cases and deaths are projected to nearly triple in low-HDI (Human Development index) countries by 2050, compared to a moderate increase in very high–HDI countries (142.1% vs 41.7% for cancer cases and 146.1% vs 56.8% for cancer deaths). Males had a higher incidence and greater number of deaths than females in 2022, with this disparity projected to widen.."
“A group of scientists, architects and other experts is calling for government action to mandate indoor air quality standards and improve ‘terrible’ ventilation in Australian schools that can hamper learning.”
“Right. This is going to be an extremely long thread, because the number of ways that Covid can make you more vulnerable to other infections is loooong.
But here's Ten Ways That Covid Infection Can Open The Door To Other Infections Today:”