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'I Went to the ER with an Anxiety Attack Before College Finals. The Same Day, Doctors Found Pancreatic Cancer' (Exclusive)
'I Went to the ER with an Anxiety Attack Before College Finals. The Same Day, Doctors Found Pancreatic Cancer' (Exclusive)

20-year-old with pancreatic cancer. This is not something we were seeing routinely in twenty-year olds prior to 2019.

Went to the ER with an Anxiety Attack Before College Finals. The Same Day, Doctors Found Pancreatic Cancer

'I Went to the ER with an Anxiety Attack Before College Finals. The Same Day, Doctors Found Pancreatic Cancer' (Exclusive)
Global Disparities of Cancer and Its Projected Burden in 2050
Global Disparities of Cancer and Its Projected Burden in 2050

From a population-based study of the data on 36 cancer types from 185 countries/territories, "By 2050, 35.3 million cancer cases worldwide are expected, a 76.6% increase from the 2022 estimate of 20 million. Similarly, 18.5 million cancer deaths are projected by 2050, an 89.7% increase from the 2022 estimate of 9.7 million. Cancer cases and deaths are projected to nearly triple in low-HDI (Human Development index) countries by 2050, compared to a moderate increase in very high–HDI countries (142.1% vs 41.7% for cancer cases and 146.1% vs 56.8% for cancer deaths). Males had a higher incidence and greater number of deaths than females in 2022, with this disparity projected to widen.."

Global Disparities of Cancer and Its Projected Burden in 2050