“There are more Americans who say they have serious cognitive problems…than at any time in the last 15 years…
…Richard Deitz, an economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, analyzed the data and attributed much of the increase to Long Covid
‘These numbers don’t do this — they don’t just start suddenly increasing sharply like this,’ he said.”
“Patients with frontotemporal dementia often lack the ability to empathize. A study at Karolinska Institutet has now shown that these patients do not show the same brain activity as healthy individuals when they witness the pain of others, a finding that it is hoped will increase understanding of this specific dementia disease.” l
Professional tennis player Altug Celikbilek, 28, is in critical condition, after suffering from a brain hemorrhage during a match in the M15 Monastir tournament in Tunisia.
The match was stopped to rush the player to the hospital:
“If anyone tells you that we are in a better place now than in the beginning of the pandemic, it’s a lie. People are dying more in the chronic phase of Covid than in the acute stage, and those who survive, are left with chronic illnesses that may become permanent.
We must remain resilient.”
“They do what they want when they want’: Ontario students became ruder in class after the pandemic, study suggests.
Teachers and students report a significant jump in classroom incivility since returning to class after the 2020 lockdowns.”
“Experts are increasingly noticing people in their 20s, 30s and 40s experiencing difficulties remembering things. They compare it to the memory function more regularly seen in 70-year-olds.
Psychologists note younger people complaining of trouble remembering things, needing to write everything down, and missing important events because they forgot about them.”