20-year-old with pancreatic cancer. This is not something we were seeing routinely in twenty-year olds prior to 2019.
Went to the ER with an Anxiety Attack Before College Finals. The Same Day, Doctors Found Pancreatic Cancer
Mind boggling' surge in pneumonia cases among children, teens and young adults Area doctors and hospitals are seeing a 'stunning surge' in walking pneumonia cases, something being seen around the globe this year.
“Less than 50% chance of survival Once Callie was admitted to the PICU at UC Davis Children’s Hospital, her doctors recommended Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO), a heart-lung bypass machine to give Callie’s lungs a chance to heal.”
“Experts are increasingly noticing people in their 20s, 30s and 40s experiencing difficulties remembering things. They compare it to the memory function more regularly seen in 70-year-olds.
Psychologists note younger people complaining of trouble remembering things, needing to write everything down, and missing important events because they forgot about them.”