50% of heart attack cases since 2020 among adults below 40
LSU women's basketball star fighting mystery heart condition ahead of season
I don’t let anyone in my exercise trials if they have been infected in the last 3 months. If they’ve been hospitalized for Covid, they require a cardiac screening by a physician.
“I don’t let anyone in my exercise trials if they have been infected in the last 3 months. If they’ve been hospitalized for Covid, they require a cardiac screening by a physician.
Honestly, I’ve had so much difficulty recruiting this past year that I’m beginning to think that we’re quickly reaching the point I’ve been warning about for years… Adults 35-64 have begun to lose the capacity to exercise.”
Gym fanatic, 37, suffered cardiac arrest after a workout and 'died' for seven minutes... as numbers of 'super-fit' slim young heart attack victims surge
See Covid and heart damage folder