attention to revolution

attention to revolution

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Dictionary from the Palestine Diaspora Movement
Dictionary from the Palestine Diaspora Movement
Pali-Dictionary is a resource created by the Palestinian diaspora and designed to help you decolonize your vocabulary. The language often used to describe the colonization of Palestine obscures the power imbalance between the settler colony of ‘Israel’ and Palestine.
Dictionary from the Palestine Diaspora Movement
Running Amok | Mary Turfah
Running Amok | Mary Turfah
about the audience meant to receive Israeli soldiers' displays of genocidal sadism, and why medicalizing language ("settler psychosis") conflates illness with morality and obscures culpability and history and everything else
Running Amok | Mary Turfah
Cinemata is a platform with about 5000 free short social and environmental films about the Asia-Pacific.
I Live Near My Friends
I Live Near My Friends

Hello, I’m Daniel. On June 1, 2022, I moved into a co-living arrangement in Brooklyn; now I share an apartment with four best friends, with tens more living within a short walk.


  • Conceptions about “roommates” are incorrectly anchored
  • Live with people who take living seriously
  • Peace, solitude, separation
  • Order reigns in an apartment of five
  • On the topic of Brooklyn
  • Be brave

Quote: "If you want what I have (and many people do), you need to be brave, and you need to recognize the reward of discomfort. Obtaining a proper fit in lifestyle and social sphere is not easy, otherwise we would all have it. It’s not exactly something you “find,” although that’s the way most people erroneously pursue it. It’s something you build. That means you have to be willing to move, willing to judge, willing to be judged, willing to give different ways of living (apartment arrangement, cohabitants, neighborhoods, and more) a proper trial."

I Live Near My Friends
The radical need for friends to become informed safe spaces
The radical need for friends to become informed safe spaces
"Safe space is not only a place where I want to feel heard and seen with my vulnerabilities, it is also a place where my radical hope for the future meets your radical preparedness... Safe spaces devoid of knowledge and empathy are fragile. Such spaces prevent one from unveiling their broken hearts because the potential of healing is unknown. They put the weight of the conversation and the expectation of action, on the speaker. They can turn into a one-sided relationship, with the work of developing clarity, having an informed opinion and doing the emotional labour, placed on one person."
The radical need for friends to become informed safe spaces
When We Fall Apart — Interrupting Criminalization | Research In Action
When We Fall Apart — Interrupting Criminalization | Research In Action
When We Fall Apart: A Movement Primer a primer workbook for collectively navigating a breakup. This primer is for individuals & groups collectively navigating a breakup. It offers up a collection of thoughts, insights, and lessons gathered from people in social justice movement spaces.
When We Fall Apart — Interrupting Criminalization | Research In Action
How to Live Near Your Friends
How to Live Near Your Friends
People often tell me that their friend group talks about living near each other. And yet, almost none of them have successfully clustered their friend group yet. Here's how I got 22 of my friends to live within walking distance ✨
How to Live Near Your Friends