curated video essays

curated video essays

#youtube #timeline-2020s-2023
The End of The 80s | Global Events 1985-1989
The End of The 80s | Global Events 1985-1989

Intelexual (1:52:30) Perestroika and Glasnost, George Bush bag of crack, The Fall of the Berlin Wall, and the beginning of the end of communist/socialist rule in various countries, Thomas Sankara, America and Ronald Reagan’s role in the Iran-Contra Affair, The 1986 Bombing of Libya, the end of Ferdinand Marcos’ dictatorship, Manuel Noriega, The First Intifada and the Palestine/Israel Conflict, Tiananmen Square in China, Salman Rushdie, Islamic Extremism, and Censorship, Margaret Thatcher, Cuba, Khalistan, India, Iran and Iraq, Qadaffi and Libya, William Horton, 1988 Presidential Election, Dan Quayle, Robert Bork and the Supreme Court, Gukurahundi in Zimbabwe, Robert Mugabe, South African Apartheid, Nelson Mandela, PW Botha, David Dinkins, Rudy Giuliani, Mike Dukakis

TIMESTAMPS 0:00-0:46 1989 TV Shows 0:47- 2:23 The Soviet Union Begins Building McDonalds + Intro 2:24- The Lexual Does The 80s Syllabus 3:50-5:19 Princess Diana and HIV/AIDS Stigma 5:20-8:49 Margaret Thatcher + the 1987 General UK Election 8:50-13:06 The Satanic Verses and Censorship in The UK 13:07-14:15 The Chernobyl Disaster 14:16- 15:12 Perestroika and Glasnost In The USSR 15:13- Issues in East Germany 17:25-19:00 The Fall of the Berlin Wall 19:01-20:09 Why Dissidents in the Soviet Bloc Succeeded 20:10- Poland, Hungary, and the Velvet Revolution in Czechoslovakia 20:55-21:27 The Baltic Way (Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia) 21:28- Gorbachev and Reagan 22:20-23:15 Soviet Union Pulls out of Afghanistan 23:16- Cuba and Radio Marti 24:00- The Cuban Prisoner Riots 26:52- Cuba and Angola 27:11- Central American Peace Accord 27:44- Manual Noriega, Panama, and the CIA 28:59- Colombia Fights Pablo Escobar + the Medellin Cartel 30:02-31:04 Peru's "Lost Decade" 31:05-31:36 Chilean Citizens Rebel Against Augusto Pinochet 31:37- Uganda, Algeria, Benin, + Ethiopia 32:01- Thomas Sankara and Burkina Faso 34:05- Ibrahim Babangida and Nigeria 34:36- Zimbabwe, Robert Mugabe, and Gukurahundi 35:31-38:03 South African Apartheid + The Divestment Movement 38:04- Qadaffi + Libya 39:13- Reagan and The Libyan Air Strike 42:12- Libya and the Revolution Within a Revolution 42:44- Israel, Palestine, + The First Intifada 48:37- The Lebanese Civil War Continues and Hezbollah Emerges 49:16- Yemen Unites 49:45- The End of the Iran-Iraq War and Saddam Hussein 51:23- Iran's Executions 51:43- Rajiv Gandhi, India, + Sikhs Seeking Khalistan 52:24- Burma/Myanmar, The 8888 Uprising, +Aung San Suu Kyi 53:08-56:05 Ferdinand + Imelda Marcos, The Phillipines 56:06- Changes in South Korea 56:48- The Japanese Economic Bubble & Yellow Peril Politics 1:00:23- Otaku Culture in Japan 1:02:05- KFC in China + Deng's Open Door Policy Continues 1:03:46- The 1989 Tiananmen Square Protests 1:06:55- Lexual Does The 80s Infomercial 1:07:45- The Iran-Contra Scandal is Exposed 1:19:18- Robert Bork and Reagan's Impact on the Courts 1:24:09- Reagan's Environmental Record 1:26:41- George HW Bush Runs For President 1:30:06- Oh, Dan Quayle. 1:31:39- Gary Hart Bites The Dust 1:33:17- Joe Biden Bites The Dust 1:34:07- The Woes of Mike Dukakis 1:36:49- The William Horton Ad 1:39:28- The Growing Latino Vote 1:40:21- The 1988 Election Results 1:41:57- The 1989 New York Mayoral Election 1:43:47- Bill Clinton 1:44:15- George Bush in 1989, The Exxon Valdez Oil Spill 1:45:11- George Bush Holds a Bag of Crack on TV 1:46:26- HAPPY NEW YEAR! 1:46:46- Conclusion 1:51:38- I Cant Wait To Do The 90s

The End of The 80s | Global Events 1985-1989
What Our Cities Are Missing
What Our Cities Are Missing

Andrew Sage (28:52): Let's unravel the defining characteristics of third places, tap into their historical significance and evolution, and explore how we can build and nurture the enduring allure of these social sanctuaries in the modern world.

Introduction - 0:00 What Are Third Places? - 1:57 The Benefits of Third Places - 7:02 The Historical Power of the Third Place - 8:34 What Happened To Third Places? - 9:52 Le Third Place - 13:33 A Few Teensy Critiques - 16:08 Radical, Revived Third Places - 24:20

What Our Cities Are Missing
We Need A Library Economy
We Need A Library Economy

Andrew Sage (26:56): The library has been a long-standing institution in our society, but what if we applied its philosophy more broadly? Let's imagine what it would mean to realise the possibilities of this proto-socialist concept and reintroduce free access to the commons through a library economy.

Introduction - 0:00 Brief History of Libraries - 3:11 The Rise of the Internet (wow!) - 5:42 Foundational Concepts of a Library Economy - 6:58 Imagining a Library Economy - 16:05 Questions & Concerns of a Libray Economy - 18:11 Outro - 22:03

We Need A Library Economy
let's explore the abstract idea of how being Autistic is inherently linked to Ego Death
let's explore the abstract idea of how being Autistic is inherently linked to Ego Death

Irene / Thought Spot (32:59)


Intro 00:00-03:06 Magic Mind 03:07-05:13 What is Ego Death? 05:14-06:02 Negative impacts of no Ego 06:03-07:05 Ego Death in childhood 07:06-09:27 Fear of being perceived 12:48-13:42 Painfully self-aware 13:43-15:23 Links to masking 15:24-15:56 Links to BPD 15:57-16:52 Being perceived accurately 16:53-17:43 Part of survival 17:44-20:13 Scapegoating 20:14-21:50 Questioning your reality 21:51-21:41 Positive effects 21:42-30:14 Closing thoughts 30:15-33:00

let's explore the abstract idea of how being Autistic is inherently linked to Ego Death
What is OSR? Retro RPGs keeping old-school D&D alive
What is OSR? Retro RPGs keeping old-school D&D alive
Dicebreaker (10:06) If you’re in the RPG space you’ve likely come across OSR. But you might be wondering what that even stands for, what OSR games are, or why people are playing them. Maddie is here with some history of the Old School Renaissance movement so you can understand what these games are trying to achieve, and maybe even convince you to check a couple out. From the early discussions in forums to a thriving industry, this video is the perfect introduction into the world of OSR. And if you’re already a big fan of Old School games, let us know in the comments all your favourites that newcomers and veterans alike should try!
What is OSR? Retro RPGs keeping old-school D&D alive
The CIA's 8 steps to wreck organizations
The CIA's 8 steps to wreck organizations

Anark (29:19) In this video, I go over the 8 steps for wrecking organizations laid out by the CIA in its Simple Sabotage Field Manual.


  • Intro
  • CIA Field Manual
  • Preface
  • Do everything through channels
  • Make speeches
  • Refer to committee
  • Bring up irrelevant issues
  • Haggle over precise wordings
  • Refer back to decisions
  • Advocate caution
  • Be worried
The CIA's 8 steps to wreck organizations
How We Got Here... (Israel Palestine War Explained)
How We Got Here... (Israel Palestine War Explained)

liy: Feels like calling a friend over for an hour to break it down for you, who pulls up links and watches them with you, yells at bad takes so you don't have to... all without the possibility of losing that friendship. not really an essay so the time flies by (1:03:47)

  • He breaks it down like he's running media literacy 101 daycare for a generation younger than him (because he is),
  • he answers questions in chat along the way,
  • his examples are clear but not gory,
  • and his editors are very good at cutting together a tight explainer video out of a much longer livestream.
How We Got Here... (Israel Palestine War Explained)
TikTok Gave Me Autism: The Politics of Self Diagnosis
TikTok Gave Me Autism: The Politics of Self Diagnosis

Alexander Avila (1:09:00)


Garb, H. N. (2021). Race bias and gender bias in the diagnosis of psychological disorders. Clinical Psychology Review, 90, 102087

McClure, T. (2022, April 26). New Zealand denies entry to autistic daughter of immigrant couple. The Guardian.

ASAN. (2023, March 22). Asan condemns restrictions on gender-affirming care. Autistic Self Advocacy Network.

Berger, P. L., & Luckmann, T. (1966). The social construction of reality. Penguin Books.

Foucault, M. (1961). Madness and Civilization: A History of Insanity in the Age of Reason.

Crane, S. E. R. (2017). Foucault, disability studies, and mental health diagnoses; a literature review. Journal of Disability Studies, 3(1), 23-28.

Geschwind, D. H. (2008). Autism: many genes, common pathways?. Cell, 135(3), 391-395. Arnold, L. (2022), “First there is a mountain, then there is no mountain, then there is: whither identity?” in The Routledge International Handbook of Critical Autism Studies. Taylor & Francis.

Baron-Cohen S, Leslie AM, Frith U. Does the autistic child have a "theory of mind"? Cognition. 1985 Oct;21(1):37-46. doi: 10.1016/0010-0277(85)90022-8. PMID: 2934210.

Baron-Cohen, S. (1997). Mindblindness: An essay on autism and theory of mind. MIT press.

Botha, M. (2022), “Community Psychology as Reparations for Violence in the Construction of Autism Knowledge” in The Routledge International Handbook of Critical Autism Studies. Taylor & Francis.

Gernsbacher, M. A., & Yergeau, M. (2019). Empirical failures of the claim that autistic people lack a theory of mind. Archives of scientific psychology, 7(1), 102.

Descartes (1641), Meditations on First Philosophy,

Yergeau, M.R. Yergeau (2018), Authoring Autism: ​​On Rhetoric and Neurological Queerness, p. 10

Butler, J. (1997), The Psychic Life of Power: Theories in Subjection

TikTok Gave Me Autism: The Politics of Self Diagnosis
How I made it as a Video Essayist
How I made it as a Video Essayist

(1:17:27) liy: Understanding the people a machine is imitating is often the simplest and perhaps the most effective way to understand algorithms designed to mimic or forecast human behavior, rather than focusing solely on the machine itself.

TIMESTAMPS 00:00 Ad read 02:20 Disclaimer on how I escaped small channel purgatory 10:01 Advice from the Heart (my views on the video essay genre) 31:50 Advice from the HEAD (my views on working the system) 54:43 Advice Lighting Round 01:02:02 Advice from other successful Youtubers (maybe a special bonus at the end...?

How I made it as a Video Essayist