“it’s more likely that you will build community than you will become a billionaire”
“your future is your neighbour. there is no other way forward”
“it’s more likely that you will build community than you will become a billionaire”
“your future is your neighbour. there is no other way forward”
Anark (29:19) In this video, I go over the 8 steps for wrecking organizations laid out by the CIA in its Simple Sabotage Field Manual.
Andrew Sage (26:56): The library has been a long-standing institution in our society, but what if we applied its philosophy more broadly? Let's imagine what it would mean to realise the possibilities of this proto-socialist concept and reintroduce free access to the commons through a library economy.
Introduction - 0:00 Brief History of Libraries - 3:11 The Rise of the Internet (wow!) - 5:42 Foundational Concepts of a Library Economy - 6:58 Imagining a Library Economy - 16:05 Questions & Concerns of a Libray Economy - 18:11 Outro - 22:03
Andrew Sage (28:52): Let's unravel the defining characteristics of third places, tap into their historical significance and evolution, and explore how we can build and nurture the enduring allure of these social sanctuaries in the modern world.
Introduction - 0:00 What Are Third Places? - 1:57 The Benefits of Third Places - 7:02 The Historical Power of the Third Place - 8:34 What Happened To Third Places? - 9:52 Le Third Place - 13:33 A Few Teensy Critiques - 16:08 Radical, Revived Third Places - 24:20
Teanna / Fab Socialism (47:04)
Intro - 0:00 Mutual Aid Network - 2:45 Online Safety - 7:23 Covid - 13:51 Courses - 18:38 Budget - 21:20 Boycotting - 30:56 Student Loans - 35:37 Tenant Union - 37:15 From Scratch - 39:15 Safety Plans - 40:15 Voting - 41:17
Teanna / Fab Socialism (49:53)
Thumbnail Explained - 0:00 YouTube Statement -3:42 Socialism - 15:58 Finances - 18:43 Phones and Data - 25:09 Patience - 28:57 Emergency Prepping - 35:21 Mutual Aid - 39:47 New Normal - 43:37 Your Needs - 45:42
Teanna / Fab Socialism (1:02:50)
intro - 0:00 disillusioned - 5:46 abolition - 9:59 covid - 41:11 tips - 59:14
brattyxbre (28:15): In today's video we will be discussing the 5 pieces of advice I'd follow if I were to start making zines from scratch. Over the past 6+ years of making zines, I've learned many valuable lessons that I hope will help you in your zine journey (especially if you're new to the zine community!)
TIME STAMPS: 0:00 Intro 0:22 What is a zine? 0:40 If I Were to Start Making Zines in 2024 1:22 A Word on Gatekeeping 4:30 Step 1 Follow Zine Makers Online 9:40 Step 2 Go to the Dollar Store 10:30 Step 3 Keep a Journal 11:30 Step 4 Read A LOT of Zines 16:00 Step 5 F*ck the Algorithm 27:00 Leave a Comment!
Cheyenne Lin (1:13:23) The U.S. is known as ‘the best country in the world’, but where does this notion even come from and why is it so persistent despite the fact that the U.S. seems to be inferior to many countries, specifically other wealthy nations in the imperial core when it comes to walkability, third places, car culture, and public transport? In addition, is the U.S. only inferior to their ‘first world’ equals or to countries in the global south as well? And lastly, how does first world privilege come into play when moving abroad and romanticizing one’s life there? In this video essay I talk about imperial privilege, as well as U.S. privilege and ‘first world’ privilege and how its tied to race and class, as well as the global hierarchy of countries and U.S. imperialism. I also talk about the decline of the U.S., no third spaces, car culture, and the romanticization of your life abroad trend as an American.
TIMESTAMPS Intro: The Best Country in the World? 0:00 Part 1: The Rise of a Superpower and The American Century 09:20 Part 2: U.S. Privilege 34:04 Part 3: The U.S. vs. The Rest of the World 46:07
Sophie From Mars (2:21:29) I raved about this essay on https://liyyusof.com/doomer-mushroom/
00:00 Part 1: The Uninabitable Earth 40:31 Part 2: How To Blow Up A Pipeline 01:24:35 Part 3: The Mushroom At The End Of The World
A practical guide to revolution by Andrewism (34:40): We need a social revolution to build a better future. But how is that process carried out? What tactics and strategies are needed to fundamentally transform the socioeconomic and political order? How do we combine a range of acts of confrontation, noncooperation, and prefiguration to reshape our world? Let's find out.
Introduction - 0:00 Affinity Groups - 4:22 Oppose (Confrontation) - 6:08 Oppose (Noncooperation) - 14:59 Propose (Prefiguration) - 19:45 Conclusion - 30:16 Outro - 33:54