(9:54) In this episode of Crash Course Psychology, Hank tackles some difficult topics dealing with prejudice, stereotyping, and discrimination. There's a lot here, so let's get started. Here's a link to the Implicit Association Test we mentioned in this episode: https://implicit.harvard.edu/implicit/
Chapters: Introduction: Amadou Diallo 00:00 Implicit Bias 1:11 Prejudice, Stereotyping, & Discrimination 2:03 Dual-Process Theory 3:59 Implicit Association Test (IAT) 4:25 Discrimination Studies 6:04 Just-World Phenomenon 7:07 In-Group/Out-Group Phenomenon 7:29 Review & Credits 8:52
Hypnotic, soulful guitars with groovy, intricate rhythms; Tichumaren (AKA Sahara desert blues) is one of the most exciting guitar-rock genres to emerge in the 21st century.
"Something incredibly metal about oppressed rebel guitarists living in the desert"
- We don't know what dark matter is yet we can use it as a telescope
- Cosmic noon
- trappist-1 system of seven habitable planets
- hot jupiter
- tidal lock and autistic masking
32:45 The allure of youth has naturally shifted from being about innocence to being about achievement.
- Time famine
- Growing old is not fun, elder community care
A practical guide to revolution by Andrewism (34:40): We need a social revolution to build a better future. But how is that process carried out? What tactics and strategies are needed to fundamentally transform the socioeconomic and political order? How do we combine a range of acts of confrontation, noncooperation, and prefiguration to reshape our world? Let's find out.
Introduction - 0:00 Affinity Groups - 4:22 Oppose (Confrontation) - 6:08 Oppose (Noncooperation) - 14:59 Propose (Prefiguration) - 19:45 Conclusion - 30:16 Outro - 33:54