curated watchlist

curated watchlist

Prejudice and Discrimination: Crash Course Psychology #39
Prejudice and Discrimination: Crash Course Psychology #39

(9:54) In this episode of Crash Course Psychology, Hank tackles some difficult topics dealing with prejudice, stereotyping, and discrimination. There's a lot here, so let's get started. Here's a link to the Implicit Association Test we mentioned in this episode:

Chapters: Introduction: Amadou Diallo 00:00 Implicit Bias 1:11 Prejudice, Stereotyping, & Discrimination 2:03 Dual-Process Theory 3:59 Implicit Association Test (IAT) 4:25 Discrimination Studies 6:04 Just-World Phenomenon 7:07 In-Group/Out-Group Phenomenon 7:29 Review & Credits 8:52

Prejudice and Discrimination: Crash Course Psychology #39
Discrimination: Crash Course Government and Politics #31
Discrimination: Crash Course Government and Politics #31
(8:40) Today, Craig is going to wrap up our discussion of discrimination by looking more closely at those “discrete and insular minorities” referenced in the 14th Amendment. We’ll talk about instances of discrimination of Asian, European, and Latino immigrants, Native Americans, non-English speakers, people with disabilities, and LGBT people. We’ll also talk about federal and state responses to this discrimination. It’s a lot to cover, and we’ll only scratch the surface of the battles these groups fought (and are still fighting) for equality, but we will give you some historical context for the discrimination that has occurred and the court decisioned made to help defend these groups.
Discrimination: Crash Course Government and Politics #31

32:45 The allure of youth has naturally shifted from being about innocence to being about achievement.

  • Time famine
  • Growing old is not fun, elder community care
How We Can Change The World
How We Can Change The World

A practical guide to revolution by Andrewism (34:40): We need a social revolution to build a better future. But how is that process carried out? What tactics and strategies are needed to fundamentally transform the socioeconomic and political order? How do we combine a range of acts of confrontation, noncooperation, and prefiguration to reshape our world? Let's find out.

Introduction - 0:00 Affinity Groups - 4:22 Oppose (Confrontation) - 6:08 Oppose (Noncooperation) - 14:59 Propose (Prefiguration) - 19:45 Conclusion - 30:16 Outro - 33:54

How We Can Change The World