quickly I only have 15min
(9:54) In this episode of Crash Course Psychology, Hank tackles some difficult topics dealing with prejudice, stereotyping, and discrimination. There's a lot here, so let's get started. Here's a link to the Implicit Association Test we mentioned in this episode: https://implicit.harvard.edu/implicit/
Chapters: Introduction: Amadou Diallo 00:00 Implicit Bias 1:11 Prejudice, Stereotyping, & Discrimination 2:03 Dual-Process Theory 3:59 Implicit Association Test (IAT) 4:25 Discrimination Studies 6:04 Just-World Phenomenon 7:07 In-Group/Out-Group Phenomenon 7:29 Review & Credits 8:52
some notes from Liy:
- there is a difference between being authentic online and the death of privacy
- Being authentic and real doesn’t mean that your social media presence has to reflect the rawest version of yourself
- It can be easy to overshare when you’re tricked by the illusion of closeness. This illusion is very easy to fall into on the internet
- There are more productive methods to dealing with heavy and confusing emotions than to simply disclose them to anyone with ears
- oversharing is typically defined by the context of the situation
- don’t feel that every single emotion and thought needs to be displayed to the outside world—because they don’t
- "if you had taken a week more to understand how you felt, been patient, and had some self-control, we’d all be better for it. But now we’re here, and nobody likes it here. Why would you do that?"
- As a general rule of thumb, understand how you feel and what you mean before you put blanket statements out into the world. It is difficult to take them back, and it’s definitely not desirable to have to keep amending and changing what you meant.
- getting attention isn't necessarily good. shock value is more worthy of immediate attention
- shock value = internet attention = fame and money
- shock value = bad actions - shame
- on the internet, all attention seems like approval. the only form of disapproval that works on the internet is not giving it attention
- understand how you present yourself
- show basic respect for other people
- it is not vain or fake to want to present yourself well
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