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Prejudice and Discrimination: Crash Course Psychology #39
Prejudice and Discrimination: Crash Course Psychology #39

(9:54) In this episode of Crash Course Psychology, Hank tackles some difficult topics dealing with prejudice, stereotyping, and discrimination. There's a lot here, so let's get started. Here's a link to the Implicit Association Test we mentioned in this episode:

Chapters: Introduction: Amadou Diallo 00:00 Implicit Bias 1:11 Prejudice, Stereotyping, & Discrimination 2:03 Dual-Process Theory 3:59 Implicit Association Test (IAT) 4:25 Discrimination Studies 6:04 Just-World Phenomenon 7:07 In-Group/Out-Group Phenomenon 7:29 Review & Credits 8:52

Prejudice and Discrimination: Crash Course Psychology #39
Discrimination: Crash Course Government and Politics #31
Discrimination: Crash Course Government and Politics #31
(8:40) Today, Craig is going to wrap up our discussion of discrimination by looking more closely at those “discrete and insular minorities” referenced in the 14th Amendment. We’ll talk about instances of discrimination of Asian, European, and Latino immigrants, Native Americans, non-English speakers, people with disabilities, and LGBT people. We’ll also talk about federal and state responses to this discrimination. It’s a lot to cover, and we’ll only scratch the surface of the battles these groups fought (and are still fighting) for equality, but we will give you some historical context for the discrimination that has occurred and the court decisioned made to help defend these groups.
Discrimination: Crash Course Government and Politics #31
The Best Guitar Music Today Is Coming From The Sahara Desert
The Best Guitar Music Today Is Coming From The Sahara Desert

Hypnotic, soulful guitars with groovy, intricate rhythms; Tichumaren (AKA Sahara desert blues) is one of the most exciting guitar-rock genres to emerge in the 21st century.

"Something incredibly metal about oppressed rebel guitarists living in the desert"

The Best Guitar Music Today Is Coming From The Sahara Desert
What is Botany? Crash Course Botany #1
What is Botany? Crash Course Botany #1
Plants have got you surrounded. They’re in your toothpaste, your bedsheets, and your regular Taco Bell order.
What is Botany? Crash Course Botany #1
Dubai Is A Parody Of The 21st Century
Dubai Is A Parody Of The 21st Century
The worst of urban planning and capitalism, plus some slavery for good measure. Welcome to Dubai, everyone.
Dubai Is A Parody Of The 21st Century
Where Did Water Come From?
Where Did Water Come From?
Mercury, Venus, and Mars are all super low on water – so where did ours come from and why do we have so much of it?
Where Did Water Come From?