(9:54) In this episode of Crash Course Psychology, Hank tackles some difficult topics dealing with prejudice, stereotyping, and discrimination. There's a lot here, so let's get started. Here's a link to the Implicit Association Test we mentioned in this episode: https://implicit.harvard.edu/implicit/
Chapters: Introduction: Amadou Diallo 00:00 Implicit Bias 1:11 Prejudice, Stereotyping, & Discrimination 2:03 Dual-Process Theory 3:59 Implicit Association Test (IAT) 4:25 Discrimination Studies 6:04 Just-World Phenomenon 7:07 In-Group/Out-Group Phenomenon 7:29 Review & Credits 8:52
Hypnotic, soulful guitars with groovy, intricate rhythms; Tichumaren (AKA Sahara desert blues) is one of the most exciting guitar-rock genres to emerge in the 21st century.
"Something incredibly metal about oppressed rebel guitarists living in the desert"