A free, evidence-based program designed to support a sense of belonging on campus to improve engagement, retention, and achievement for students at four-year colleges and universities.
The College Transition Collaborative (CTC) brings together pioneering social psychologists, education researchers and higher education practitioners to create learning environments that produce more equitable higher education outcomes.
We all have mental health and our mental wellbeing can fluctuate day-to-day . When you’re not feeling great, it can feel harder to take action to benefit your wellbeing. However there are small...
If your mate has been diagnosed with a mental illness or you are concerned that they are showing symptoms of a specific difficulty, finding out more about the condition and increasing your...
This friendship can play a key role in helping someone live with or recover from difficulties they are facing. We know that providing this support isn’t always easy. It can be hard to know what...
Die neuesten Tweets von YoungMinds (@YoungMindsUK). UK's leading charity committed to improving the emotional #wellbeing and #mentalhealth of children and young people. Email ymenquiries@youngminds.org.uk. London
Die neuesten Tweets von UMHAN (@UMHANUK). A National UK charity of Mental Health staff who support those with mental health difficulties in Higher/Further Education. Registered charity number 1155038. Oxford
Die neuesten Tweets von Mind (@MindCharity). We won't give up until everyone experiencing a #mentalhealth problem gets both support & respect. Find Mind near you: https://t.co/C6C4rAJrBk. England and Wales
Die neuesten Tweets von Time to Change (@TimetoChange). Too many people with mental health problems are made to feel isolated and ashamed. #TimetoTalk Day is Thursday 1 February 2018. England, UK
Student Minds is the UK's student mental health charity. Peer interventions can change the state of student mental health. We deliver research-driven training and support to equip students to bring about positive change on their campus.
Die neuesten Tweets von Student Minds (@StudentMindsOrg). The UK’s student mental health charity. We empower students and the university community to look after their own mental health, support others and create change. United Kingdom