Musicoterapia #10: para dias de conexão espiritual

Therapies | Terapias
Musicoterapia #5: para dias de Raiva
Musicoterapia #4: para dias de Venus+ Marte
El Árbol y el diván
Un encuentro fascionante entre dos disciplinas profundamente influyentes. Que el budismo y el psicoanálisis puedan coincidir en un tomo es un tributo a la erudición, la habilidad y la inteligencia de A. Molino al crear una obra única, referente ya ineludible para abordar tanto las diferencias como las semejanzas entre budismo y psicoanálisi. Una verdadera exploración interdisciplinaria y multicultural.
Introdução à Terapia Cognitivo-comportamental Contemporânea
A terapia cognitivo-comportamental abrange um grupo de intervenções que compartilham a ideia de que cognições influenciam emoções e comportamentos, contribuindo para a manutenção das condições psiquiátricas. Neste livro, Stefan G. Hofmann aplica os princípios fundamentais da terapia cognitivo-comportamental a uma série de transtornos mentais, apresentando uma introdução acessível aos modelos atuais da abordagem, bem como descrevendo novos e importantes desenvolvimentos na área.
Como tirar as emoções do controle
A primeira vez que a tarefa de lavar a louça do almoço ficou a cargo do meu filho, na época com quatro ou cinco anos, não foi por imposição. Foi por insistência dele. Subiu em um banquinho e apertou c...
Terapia de Morita para los trastornos de ansiedad en adultos | Cochrane
Um novo método para o tratamento do stress - terapia Morita
Terapia Morita em pouco tempo tornou-se um dos métodos mais eficazes de lidar com o estresse, a prática é realizada sem a intervenção de um médico. Você pode aplicar um conjunto de exercícios por
Ouvir e entender | Monja Coen | Palestra #31 | Zen Budismo
Compartilhe! A sabedoria pertence a todos os seres. Curta a MOVA no facebook: Vídeos também no Instagram: @canalmova Conheç...
Morita Therapy and the True Nature of Anxiety-Based Disorders (Shinkeishitsu)
This book presents the progressive nature of Morita therapy across four distinct stages: an isolation rest stage, a light monotonous work stage, a labor-intensive work stage, and the social integration stage. Essentially, the experiential knowledge the clients gain by moving through the inpatient treatment becomes the therapy. Though the classical therapy was initially designed to treat anxiety-based disorders, it is presently used in Japan, China, and Australia for depression, personality disorders, eating disorders, and post-traumatic stress disorder. Morita therapy fosters akiraka ni mik...
University of Exeter
Morita Therapy and the True Nature of Anxiety-Based Disorders: Shinkeishitsu: Shoma Morita: 9780791437667: Books
Morita Therapy and the True Nature of Anxiety-Based Disorders: Shinkeishitsu [Shoma Morita] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. The first English translation of a seminal work in a therapeutic practice that holds increasing interest for Westerners. Some of Morita's insights into the changeable nature of feelings and attention were ahead of his time. These insights fit well with some modern theories of how the dynamic brain works. -- Henry J. Kahn
Get Going With The Morita Therapy
The Morita Therapy is a simple model of psychology that says you can't really overcome or abolish those inner problems, like fear and perfectionism, so you
Healing with Morita therapy
If we view our feelings from a neutral perspective and let those feelings run their natural course, we can discover healing.
Morita therapy for anxiety disorders in adults. - PubMed - NCBI
Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2015 Feb 19;(2):CD008619. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD008619.pub2. Meta-Analysis; Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't; Review
The site helps therapists, counselors, educators, and coaches learn and use mindfulness based behavioral therapies like Morita Therapy, Naikan, and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy.
Morita Therapy -- The ToDo Institute
Discover alternative methods of mental health using Morita Therapy through the resouces provided by the ToDo Institute's founder Gregg Krech, author of Naikan: Gratitude, Grace and the Japanese Art of Self-Reflection
Nos estudos de Reich, os temas da sexualidade, emoção, sensibilidade, política e saúde se entrelaçam de maneira inseparável. É com esse olhar que desenvolvemos palestras e discussões...
EFEN | Escola Pós-Reichiana Federico Navarro
Especialização de graduados nas áreas de saúde e ciências humanas na técnica terapêutica proposta por Reich, segundo a concepção do neurologista e psiquiatra italiano Federico Navarro. ...
Il piccolo aiuto dello studente - San Patrignano
Nel mondo universitario cresce l’uso di Ritalin e altri stimolanti per migliorare memoria e attenzione. Un vero e proprio doping pericoloso per la salute. di Elena Fornero Patricia ha 22 anni ed è una studentessa diligente. Medicina è una disciplina difficile ma lei non ha mai perso una lezione e ha una media piuttosto alta....
Being bullied as a child may lead to health risks in adulthood
Being bullied as a child could lead to health issues in adulthood, researchers have warned. According to a study published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science, both being a bully and being bullied during childhood could lead to negative health, psychological and financial experiences as an adult.
No Bullying-Expert Advice On Cyber Bullying & School Bullying
NO Bullying Contains Cyber Bullying Advice, Quotes & Statistics. Bullying Prevention Guides & Articles on CyberBullying, School Bullying, Workplace Bullying & more
How to Handle Bullying... - NoBullying - Bullying & CyberBullying Resources
Bullying. how to handle Bullying.
Understanding Self Concept - NoBullying - Bullying & CyberBullying Resources
Everyone has a self concept, but if it is negative, it is not doing you any good. In fact, it is probably holding you back in many areas of your life and preventing you from making any progress. A self concept consists of all the snapshots or self-schemas of an individual’s past, present, and future,
Empathy vs Sympathy, Which is it? - NoBullying - Bullying & CyberBullying Resources
What is the difference between Empathy vs Sympathy? Empathy vs sympathy is a common debate or misconception. Many people misunderstand that these are two separate traits; not one and the same. There is a distinct difference between empathy and sympathy. Empathy is when a person can “feel” what someone else is going through largely based on
What are the Causes of Bullying - NoBullying - Bullying & CyberBullying Resources
Causes of Bullying, what are the most known casues of bullying