Language That Deepens Trauma Instead of Healing It
Words matter, and they can either heal or harm. By being mindful of our language, we can create a supportive environment that validates trauma survivors' experiences.
Maybe You're Not an Introvert. Maybe It's a Trauma Response.
Maybe your introversion is hardwired, or perhaps you were a traumatized child who didn't learn the "hidden curriculum" of skills you'd need to feel comfortable socializing.
Early in my own work of healing from trauma I watched the movie 28 Days with Sandra Bullock and had such a longing to go away from my regular life so that I could focus on healing and come back ‘fixed.’ It can be hard to feel so bad and have to go about your life as if you weren’t feeling that way.
Does childhood adversity dilute life's meaning? New research reveals surprising findings.
New research suggests adverse childhood experiences reduce adults' sense of life coherence and significance but do not affect their sense of purpose, which may remain resilient to early traumas.
Understanding your partner's trauma is not just a suggestion; it's a crucial aspect of any healthy relationship. Understand their story, their struggles, their healing journey. Know the impact it has had on them, both past and present. Understand the work they've put in to overcome it, and the challenges they still face. Recognize their triggers, and learn how to navigate around them with care and sensitivity.