Why Care for the Mentally Ill is a Mess and What Needs to be Done.
Why Care for the Mentally Ill is a Mess and What Needs to be Done.
By Dr. David Laing Dawson We have made two big mistakes in the care of the mentally ill over the past 50 years. The first was transferring care from the Provincial Psychiatric Hospitals to the Gene…
Why Care for the Mentally Ill is a Mess and What Needs to be Done.
It Gets Hard Sometimes
It Gets Hard Sometimes
Eden Pohle I can never get a great grasp of what people think about me. It has always seemed crazy how we each have our own lives, we see other people and develop our own perception of them, but I …
It Gets Hard Sometimes
Toxic Positivity: What Are We Up Against?
Toxic Positivity: What Are We Up Against?
Toxic Positivity. Everywhere you turn, there is another vlogger boasting about their glamorous life on social media, showing off her pristine kitchen as she neatly organizes her fridge with plastic…
Toxic Positivity: What Are We Up Against?
Write It Out!
Write It Out!
How writing out my thoughts has helped me. Over the past few years when I am overwhelmed with thoughts and emotions, especially if my thoughts begin to cause anxiety and mood changes, I will grab m…
Write It Out!