Life After Child Abuse – Grieving the Loss of Family
Groomed to Be Grateful: The Normalization of Sexualization and Control
How Society Taught Us to See Predation as a Compliment
My Dark Vanessa: Navigating the Complexities of Sexual Abuse.
My Dark Vanessa is a powerful portrayal of the complexities experienced by individuals who have suffered sexual abuse, presenting a nonconformist perspective on trauma that...
A boxing program for abuse survivors is changing lives in Melbourne. Now, they hope to go national
When Donna Lyon started a unique boxing and writing program as a way to process the trauma of abuse, it changed everything. She hopes a new doco will help spread this remarkable program to survivors across the country.
Let's Modify the Stranger Danger Narrative
While I was preparing to become a parent, I read countless books on parenting, flipped through manuals to baby-proof my house, and did hours on hours of research to feel as ready as I could be. As my children continued to grow, I realized there was a part missing from my preparation — how to … Continued
Are You Comfortable in Your Body?
Childhood emotional abuse and neglect linked to frequent disturbed dreams in young adults
Childhood emotional abuse and neglect are linked to more frequent disturbed dreams in adulthood. The study found that rumination mediates this relationship, while strong social support can lessen the impact of rumination on disturbed dreaming.
Educate yourself to support children this school year
Busses are about to be rolling out and children will be walking through school doors after more than two months away for summer break. As we get back into after school activities, it’s important that I highlight Sunflower House’s training programs so parents and caregivers are equipped with information on how to better support and … Continued
A child needs to feel safe to disclose abuse
If a child doesn't feel safe, they won't disclose abuse. We need to ensure we understand this and listen to our kids in order for our kids to feel safe to disclose.
A Letter To My Family
I've thought a lot and for a long time about doing this. It's my attempt at trying to finally let go of the remaining anger I carry with me, stopping me from being able to forgive. Some people seem to forgive so easily but I admit I can't really fathom it?
The best way to reduce child abuse fatalities is to reduce poverty
The best way to reduce child fatalities, writes Richard Wexler of the National Coalition for Child Protection Reform, is to reduce poverty.
Victims of Catholic nuns rely on each other after being overlooked in clergy sex abuse crisis
Healing from child sexual abuse is often difficult but not impossible
With therapy and social support, children and adults who experienced child sexual abuse can regain a sense of control over their lives.
How Memories of Childhood Trauma Affect Us Today