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Mental Health Myths – Busted!
Mental Health Myths – Busted!
Individuals with mental health problems cannot simply “snap out of it” with effort. Mental illness results from various factors including genetics, life experiences, and systemic inequa…
Mental Health Myths – Busted!
Self Care Really IS for Everyone
Self Care Really IS for Everyone
Daily writing promptWhat strategies do you use to cope with negative feelings?View all responses I have a literal plethora of tools at my disposal with which to combat any negative emotions… …
Self Care Really IS for Everyone
Improving Mental Health With Hobbies
Improving Mental Health With Hobbies
There are many different factors that can impact mental health and there are various treatment methods for mental health issues including psychotherapy, pharmacology, hospitalization, peer support,…
Improving Mental Health With Hobbies
10 Mental Health Blogs We Enjoy Reading
10 Mental Health Blogs We Enjoy Reading
There are many blogs that increase understanding of mental health issues, and provide support to those that live with them. Here are some of our favourites.
10 Mental Health Blogs We Enjoy Reading
Write It Out!
Write It Out!
How writing out my thoughts has helped me. Over the past few years when I am overwhelmed with thoughts and emotions, especially if my thoughts begin to cause anxiety and mood changes, I will grab m…
Write It Out!
Time to Talk Day: The importance of talking about our feelings
Time to Talk Day: The importance of talking about our feelings
Time to Talk Day is an awareness day run by the charity MIND promoting the importance of talking about our mental health. We are reposting this blog in time for this year’s Time to Talk Day w…
Time to Talk Day: The importance of talking about our feelings
Mental Health Effects Of Being Adopted
Mental Health Effects Of Being Adopted
Can adoption pose mental health risks for the adopted children? Well, research suggests it can, but how does that happen? Let's discuss the same in the post.
Mental Health Effects Of Being Adopted
Caring for Your Mental Health
Caring for Your Mental Health
Mental health includes emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel, act, make choices, and relate to others.
Caring for Your Mental Health
Little Known Benefits of a Strong Support System
Little Known Benefits of a Strong Support System
Whether or not we struggle with mental, physical or emotional challenges, a strong support system is critical to help us navigate life's ups and downs.
Little Known Benefits of a Strong Support System