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Psychosis: Know the Facts Not The Stigma.
Psychosis: Know the Facts Not The Stigma.
It is well documented through this blog that I am a Psychosis sufferer, it’s not something I shy away from and it is definitely not something I am ashamed of. There is no reason for me to be …
Psychosis: Know the Facts Not The Stigma.
Navigating the Journey of Grief: Understanding and Managing Loss
Navigating the Journey of Grief: Understanding and Managing Loss
Grief is an inevitable part of life, touching us all at some point. Whether due to the loss of a loved one, the end of a significant relationship, or other major life changes, grief can be a deeply…
Navigating the Journey of Grief: Understanding and Managing Loss
The Stigma Around Men’s Mental Health
The Stigma Around Men’s Mental Health
June is a celebratory month for many reasons, most notably the start of summertime, but many don’t realize this time of year is also Men’s Mental Health Month. While discussing such an important topic shouldn’t be confined to one month out of the year, it offers a great opportunity to reflect on the progress and […]
The Stigma Around Men’s Mental Health
It's never too late to start healing
It's never too late to start healing
I have heard so many people say things like, “It’s too late for me to heal what happened” and “There’s no one who could help me” or “I’m too old to get help for this.” These statements are some of what has motivated to write about trauma and to create a better understanding about healing from trauma
It's never too late to start healing
The Science of Having a Great Conversation
The Science of Having a Great Conversation
Forming meaningful bonds with others can improve your health, make you mentally sharper, and fuel creativity. Making friends can feel daunting, but research shows there are many ways to build better connections.
The Science of Having a Great Conversation
Everyone is going through something
Everyone is going through something
It’s easy to assume that those around us are in love, don’t have financial strain or have healthy family dynamics. We often only see what people show us. I am here today to tell you that everyone is going through something. No one is living a perfect life void of the complexity that comes with being human.
Everyone is going through something
Six (more) Mental Health accounts you need to follow on Instagram
Six (more) Mental Health accounts you need to follow on Instagram
Did you catch last week’s blog on six Instagram accounts you need to follow to learn more about mental health? We started putting together our list, and realised there was so much great content, we needed to create a part two so you don’t miss these must follows! Check them out here: Therapist in NYCAliza […]
Six (more) Mental Health accounts you need to follow on Instagram
Breaking Cultural Barriers to Mental Health Care
Breaking Cultural Barriers to Mental Health Care
May is Mental Health Awareness Month, highlighting the need to address cultural barriers around mental illness. These barriers, including stigma, impact how different communities view and seek trea…
Breaking Cultural Barriers to Mental Health Care
Best Mental Health Podcasts
Best Mental Health Podcasts
Hence, whether you’re dealing with depression, anxiety, PTSD, or any other mental health conditions or simply looking to learn more about the subject, this article explores some of the best mental health podcasts worth listening to.
Best Mental Health Podcasts
Talking to Your Child About Suicide
Talking to Your Child About Suicide
Suicide rates in teens have been steadily on the rise over the past two decades, and data from the 2021 CDC Youth Risk Behavior Survey found that approximately 22% of teens reported suicidal thoughts and 10% of teens reported doing something to try to end their life in the past 12 months.
Talking to Your Child About Suicide
Embodied Self-Compassion
Embodied Self-Compassion
Learn simple practices to incorporate in your daily life to help you lovingly accept yourself. Embodied Self-Compassion invites you to accept
Embodied Self-Compassion
Six Mental Health accounts you need to follow on Instagram
Six Mental Health accounts you need to follow on Instagram
We love discovering quality mental health content online. Whether it’s an informative infographic or an inspirational drawing, there are tons of mental health social media accounts out there. So which ones are worth following? If you’re looking to supplement your therapy with daily reminders, here are six we love. Lemons by Tay@lemonssbytay Created by mental […]
Six Mental Health accounts you need to follow on Instagram
Undoing Emotional Numbing May Be Key to Trauma Recovery
Undoing Emotional Numbing May Be Key to Trauma Recovery
Emotional dysregulation in PTSD causes personal, professional, and relationship problems. How can we notice our emotions and make use of them in the face of unresolved trauma?
Undoing Emotional Numbing May Be Key to Trauma Recovery