
#Purview #ediscovery
Workflow Decisions for the New Purview eDiscovery Portal
Workflow Decisions for the New Purview eDiscovery Portal
You logged into Purview eDiscovery and found yourself in a whole new user experience (UX). You have a priority hold or collection and need counsel’s buy in on the new search, hold, review and export options. Buried at the end of my
Workflow Decisions for the New Purview eDiscovery Portal
New Purview eDiscovery Portal Is Here!
New Purview eDiscovery Portal Is Here!
The new Purview Portal UX adds a lot of new functionality and architectural changes. The classic versions are scheduled for decommissioning in January, so Purview users need to get up to speed quick and adapt your workflows. I created a page that calls out the changes, potential impact and recommendations for experienced users.
New Purview eDiscovery Portal Is Here!
First Steps to Leveraging Purview eDiscovery
First Steps to Leveraging Purview eDiscovery
“What do you recommend to enterprise legal teams wanting to use Purview?” That was my favorite question from yesterday’s eDiscovery Channel chat with Tom O’Connor and Doug Austin. We also delved into how Microsoft is redefining ‘documents’ and ‘custodianship’ in a collaborative architecture. I thought it worth while to formalize my general
First Steps to Leveraging Purview eDiscovery