

#housing important:1 #satire
Landlord Forced To Raise Rent Due To Thinking Of Bigger Number
Landlord Forced To Raise Rent Due To Thinking Of Bigger Number
“You can re-sign your lease, but I have to raise it by $250 a month because I realized there was a bigger number your rent could be,” Turley informed his tenant of six years, attributing the rent increase to a need to keep up with the rising numbers he could envision. “Look, you’re a good tenant and all, but I thought of a bigger number and that puts me in a bind. Did you know that $2,850 is larger than $2,600? Most tenants don’t concern themselves with things like that, but as a landlord, I always have to be adjusting my leasing requirements to match the larger amounts that happen to come to mind.”
Landlord Forced To Raise Rent Due To Thinking Of Bigger Number